It was the play pattern. It’s not that it was a combo deck; there are fast combo decks.
they are usually denoted meta tyrants and tier 0 already at 55% winrate for high legend
yeah. “This one time, the combo worked and hurt my opponents’ feelings.”
We all remember.
It wasn’t even losing to it. The combo was like 4 turns of watching people play turtle and adding turtles to their hands until the timer ran out. It was mind-numbing.
Grand Finale is a Fire spell, which makes it nicely discountable by Hot Streak.
It won’t be as strong as Quest Mage, but can have some good blowouts and couples nicely with the cycle-heavy nature of a Chandler Fire deck.
It also feeds right into Antonidas rather well.
i actually agree, but It “feels bad” has been used to kill way more than just turtle mage.
The class gets treated differently and even the devs cop to that.
This deck is fairly easy to play, which means it will be popular.
nerfs imminent.
That depends on several factors: practical matchup spread, format, popularity, etc…
A 55% wr deck is not necessarily tier 0, since popularity of other, specific decks alone can skew the numbers. Once you reach around 60% though, it’s an undeniable issue.
I don’t get why Blizzard would treat mage any differently other than that you like it…
Shadow Priest is even more consistent and comes with healing.
The developers have said more than once in print, that they judge Mage and Priest differently than other classes for nerfs.
I can dig up the quotes. I would rather not.
well i think Burn/Firemage is actually viable aswell, and Celestial Ink might actually be great. Feeling much better about mage this expansion than last one.
i hope you’re right.
Actually, you answered your own implied question. Mage has always been good at something: hurting people’s feelings ;p
Even when mages aren’t hurting other people’s feelings, the class hurts mage player’s own feelings, as evident in how Mallenroh and the few other mage regulars here seem to always find something to feel bad about the class, or the forum, or Blizzard, or throw shade at me for being a pedantic pissant, and they they take the ball and go home by putting me on ignore… ;p
Hmm. You might be onto something!
It appears as if shoehorning yourself into primarily, if not exclusively, playing a singular class invites frustration.
ironically the deck seems to suck vs questpriest of all things as they don´t really play minions and then you don´t really play frostspells.
Gosh now i´m on to the misery train again with mage.
That’s why Ice Barrier is actually clutch, both against Control decks and in the mirror while you’re trying not to play minions for your opponent to get their own Frost spells off against.
Told it in the prediction thread, mage is a tier 0 deck. Though it cannot keep up with zoolock.
its kinda sad actually. no matter how much they try to push diversity, it always comes back to face burn damage.
yea, albeit even then either i meat a lot of lucky priests that just consistently get a kill turn 10 and heal for about 20 while doing so or the quest is just probably too slow and will go tier3 and lower once stuff settles.
I’m lovin’ it!
The priest was playing quest priest, swapped my hand and put a Imprisoned Phoenix in there when it swapped back. I played it, waited the two turns and was able to kill him with that tradable spell damage guy, plus 2-mana fireball, plus 2x 2-mana Ignites for nearly 40 damage.
Funny thing was, I’m almost 100% certain the priest had the Shard in his hand!
Mage will have a tier 0 deck when pigs fly ,i dont know what you are smoking but i want in.