No Mechwarper Refund?

I see the Mechwarper was killed off (RIP), BUT I went to disenchant it and it isn’t giving the proper Dust Refund value, thank you for fixing this soon


its the only nerfed card without refund

switcheroo and tome tampering are offering refunds

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what? mechwarper wasn’t nerfed. it was changed. and i didn’t even know it was legal in standard i thought it wasn’t in standard and it was banned in wild and now is unbanned. that’s not a nerf that’s returned to playability.

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2 mana 2/3 reduce mech cost by 1
being change to
4 mana 4/4 reduce mech cost by 1
IS a Nerf

also you been around for like 2-3 years on the forum ? thats obvious trolling on your part if ya known about mech warper b4 they temp ban it


But was it playable in standard? I don’t play standard so I don’t know.
If it wasn’t, then changing from unplayable to playable far outweighs any nerf to stats. Those cards were absolutely useless to me before and now are playable again.

Then why are the other cards, previously banned, now unbanned and nerfed, eligible for refund ?
Previous examples of such balance where also eligible for refund.
Following past and current refund rules it doesn’t seem normal that mechwarper id not refundable


switcheroo and tome tampering are both in standard until whizbang’s workshop releases. mechwarper wasn’t in standard as far as i’m aware. i think that’s why. it was the only card that was completely unplayable anymore.

Makes some kind of sens I guess
Could arguably talk about it being available and used in tavern brawls but that would hardly weigh


Humans always demanding something from everything :smile::smile:

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Yeah, we need refund for the Mechwarper.

Dust Refund Policy. What else did we missed? - #23 by MaxNazarenko-2198 - we still don’t have refund for these cards:

  • Trolley Problem
  • Odyn, Prime Designate
  • Asvedon, the Grandshield
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I can’t tell whether you’re being sarcastic/funny or truly believe what you wrote.

Thank you

Thank you

Thanks! Didnt even know they were nerfed…

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asvedon and odyn werent nerfed the cost mana and effects are the same

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I think they talk about when Odyn’s effect were change to not stack anymore, and Asvedon not indicating what secret your opponent played


Right I see everyone’s points I have crunched the numbers and taken it all into consideration

It isn’t even a thing I really care about. It’s whatever little amount of dust, I’ll be fine. It is about changing the card so significantly that honestly, for me, there’s little point to the card anymore, hence I never would have crafted it, and so I deserve (just a bit short of demand) a refund. We all do. You should want it too even if you do not plan to dust the card. It’s about principle.

Mechwarper was offered a refund when it was initally banned, so I guess they felt there wasnt a need to offer it a second time.


That’s all well and good but it was a 2 mana 2/3 when it was banned, not a 4 mana 4/4. I’ve added your comment to my calculations and the result is we still deserve refund value on it.

If were going by the logic of deserving a refund when the card gets worse

2 mana 2/3 → Nonexistant: Refund, card got worse
Nonexistant → 4 mana 4/4:No refund, card improved

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I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you wrote if you would like to clarify

Mechwarper was completely unplayable as it was already banned in every mode, therefore it being put back in as a playable card is a straight up improvement to what it was before the patch

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