No Mechwarper Refund?

Mechwarper was completely playable before it was unplayable. I mean I see now what you were going for but tbh that is truly terrible logic to believe or advocate for. Like have some ice cream, no wait give the ice cream back, have nothing, wait no, here, have this animal poop instead, and you say, it’s better to have animal poop than nothing, right? Surely you can see how flawed such a line of thinking is.

In your example you are forgetting the part they they refund you when they initially take your ice cream back, which they did when mechwarper was originally banned from wild

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Did they? I wasn’t around at that time. Regardless, that makes sense. Just as it makes sense to give a refund now that they have returned the ice cream as animal poop. Please say “yes, you’re right”. Please don’t be stupid.


Its more like once you get your refund from the ice cream when they took it back, they give you the offer of buying animal poop at the same price or keeping your money, and as most people are clearly choosing, they are keeping their money.

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Thank you for finally agreeing we should be given a refund for mechwarper. You almost had me worried for a moment.