No daily quests: "You have no quest. You should unlock new heros in practice mode."

I have not received any daily quest since more than two weeks. Can a Blizzard official please acknowledge that this issue is known and looked into? There have been a few posts in this forum already without any response.

Some background information to clarfiy that this is no stupidity on the user end.
I’m playing on the EU, Americas and Asia server and only encounter this issue on EU. So I have a benchmark how it is supposed to be. For clarification: I have unlocked all of the heros and surpassed lvl 10 with each so this is not the issue.
After clearing a daily quest the “normal” massage is “You have no quest. Check back tomorrow!”.

User that reported similar issues:

If you want a response from a Blizzard official to an issue affecting specifically your account, then you have a much better change by opening a support ticket.
Blizzard employees are reading this forum, but they don’t post much, and they are people working in QA (formerly known as testers); their job is to find issues that affect the game overall, and get them fixed to prevent repeats in the future. Investigating and fixing issues on individual accounts is a task for customer support.

Thanks for your response. As you can see, it is not only my account affected by this issue. I already oppend a support ticket with the recommendation to “change my login region”. This indicates to me that they are not even aware that this is a issue affecting more than one person and is not based on the stupidity of a single user.

Yes, I know that more people appear to be affected by this. And I expect that Blizzard QA staff will be looking into this already.
But the number of affected people is not high enough that I expect a system-wide fix to be rolled out. So I still recommend that you keep following up on your support ticket to get the issue fixed for your own account.

Good luck!

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Thank you for your recommendation and time.

I had also reported bugs with tavern brawl rewards not being given out to me. Have you tried logging a support ticket? You should.
For me, I logged a support ticket, to which the support team closed off my ticket, and asked me to post my bug in this forum for the devs to answer, and then the devs did not answer me here. So do try to log a support ticket.

go to the battlenet app and in the top left in the blizzard logo, there is a a game settings option. go to hearthstone and select “reset game options”. close the entire app and restart. if that doesn’t work delete all and blizzard cache folders in localappdata and that should solve it. just press windows key and ‘r’ at the same time and type in “%localappdata%” (without the " of course)