No daily Quests

After unlocking all classes my account does not recieve daily quests. It says i need to unlock heroes in practice mode. I have even unlocked arena but still no quests. Any one else having this issue?

Yes, I’m having the same issue for more than 2 weeks now. As far as I know there is no official response to that issue

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Well that is unfortunate. I just want my dailies.

I created a meta thread to gain visibility on our common issue. Can you showcase your case in there so we gain visibility and Blizzard can acknowledge that this is actually a bug?

I had also reported bugs with tavern brawl rewards not being given out to me. Have you tried logging a support ticket? You should try that.
For me, I logged a support ticket, to which the support team closed off my ticket, and asked me to post my bug in this forum for the devs to answer, and then the devs did not answer me here. So do try to log a support ticket.