Nooooo daily quest

I am a new player who just registered the account on 11.6. I haven’t got any daily quest yet.

My friend told me to pre-purchase the bundle to lock the daily quest so I paid 50 bucks. But it didn’t work at all !

Please fix it.

It does not work that way. You need to complete the starter quest to unlock your daily quests. Do you have any of the following quest in your quest log?
Win 5 Practice Games, First Blood, and The Duelist.

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Thanks for your reply. But I had already completed all of these starter quest and there is still no quest.

It says “You should unlock new heroes in Practice Mode” in my quest log. But I have already got all nine heroes. So I think it is probably a bug.

Guys, if this is still not resolved please state it again in my meta-post to get visibility on this issue:

I had also reported bugs with tavern brawl rewards not being given out to me. Have you tried logging a support ticket? You should.
For me, I logged a support ticket, to which the support team closed off my ticket, and asked me to post my bug in this forum for the devs to answer, and then the devs did not answer me here. So do try to log a support ticket.