No Coldlight Oracle nerf?

This is your thread talking about how you say “did not cheat btw” from a previous post that was deleted where you said you would be using this lingo as a troll.

I fell for it in that thread, and Skizzy came in to even mention that he finally caught on to what you were doing. Trolling by saying you lost to a deck that you really just used.

Even NeonGhost complimented you on the trolling and catching people (including me)

And here you are ADMITTING IT to NeonGhost that you were so good at trolling you had to then spell it out that you were even though you try to act like it isn’t trolling so as to dodge another ban

Here is Skizzy, once again, knowing that he knows you troll

Furthermore, the ENTIRE thread is about trolling and everyone in there knowing you’re doing it.

For example:

And you liked that post along with several others who hinted at you knowing what you are doing.

This is Skizzy knowing you told him before you would be trolling and that he would be calling you out on it when you did.

In either case, you already admitted to Skizzy that you would be making posts about decks that “didn’t cheat” and the real entire post was just about a deck you personally played. That IS trolling. Making a non-sincere posts to illicit reactions from people.

I believe that is enough examples and links to prove my point.