Newbie and getting trashed by Expert players

So, I just started playing Hearthstone and I’m getting trashed by players that obviously aren’t new. I don’t even know where they are getting their cards because I don’t see them in the collections. Also, I spent $70.00 on cards for the Wild that I cannot use in the Standard part of the game. I didn’t even know there is a difference. This is REALLY annoying. Making me HATE this game. There’s NO explanation for the game anywhere.

Sorry to hear that. There’s been quite a lot of complaints about match making. Also, they make the ranked too competitive as all players will lose stars when they lose. So very very few people want to experiment and risk losing. Almost everyone plays optimised net decks (me included).

Until they make some changes, this game is very unfriendly to new players.

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Yep. While my latest experience with Standard isn’t very recent (before that little bit, I hadn’t played it since Un’Goro’s launch), it was also like this:

I should have been treated as a beginner, I guess, and matched to others, instead, they’d give me a netdecker with a super-optimised deck, then a ‘consolation’ blizzbot, and so on.

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I’ve even checked it… When you buy Wild packs in the in-game shop (the web shop is a bit more verbose, I suppose), it says, ‘Cards received can be used in Wild’, and the various games modes are explained briefly when you select one or create a deck (while testing it, I found a little inaccuracy, though, he-he). So it’s not exactly true that there’s ‘NO explanation’, although one might want to go online and/or read some ‘small print’ to get the whole picture — there’s that.


" Newbie and getting trashed by Expert players" We all started like this… the game force you to lose about 50% of your games anyway… so don’t play if you can’t deal with this… advanced players already have the knowledge about the game… you need time to gather experience and skill if you are completely new to the game. Wild is crazy mode… not recommended for new players at all… try Standard.

How do you figure? Please, explain.

Everyone who knows the game and have eyes can see that… Do you really think it is random when the game throws exactly everything against you to the opponent favor? Then go and see the doctor… this game is forcing you to lose about 50%… it is desgined like that… and now the game is full of randomity… it is more obvius then it ever was… just open your eyes… I whish I could link you my last matches… ALL of them were just like that… I resisted every trick of the enemy… and the game just gave the victory to them by “perfect randomity” Of course it is random when the new Mage minion weapon cast EVERYTHING into my face and let him win… 5 times in one row… that is 100%… yeah… that is random… 50% is random… 100% is controlled… thank you… I could accept that… but atlest they would be honest… our game is controlled in 50%… deal with this or leave… it is that simple… but no… they let us become frustrated instead and make us believe we are bad players.

Of course the goal is to make you win 50%, lol

But it doesn’t mean it’s “rigged”.

It means it’s balanced.

If a class/deck have more than 50% winrate, they’re overpowered and are negatively impacting the game, which is why they try to make it as close to 50% as possible

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I win = Skilled :sunglasses:
I lose = Rigged, brainless, need to be fired :triumph:



Didn’t you imply random here already?


Me too. We could go over where you did well and where you misplayed instead of coming up with conspiracy theories for “why you lost”.

The irony here

You have yet to show me or prove to me you’re point. It’s just a bunch of hot air over lost matches. What about the matches you won? Nothing wrong there, right…

No… that is not true… but I see there is no point to explain anything for blind players… win or lose is not the point here… the CHANCES are the point… random is not random when the game wants you to lose… then you will… and this has nothing to do with skills… the algortythm should make you lose only at 55- 60% win rate… not 50%… because 50% is not enough for legend and developers know that well. Forcing the player to lose is waisting of his time… The thing I hate the most is when someone /something is waisting my time…

Every time I open the forum I even have to open the umbrella for the rain of tears that floods everywhere.
There will be nerfs and revamps as it always has been, then the MiniSet will come out and people will cry for something else as always, because the human is that… a Continuous Complaint.
The first post was not directed to you, don’t take it personally, I’m speaking in general terms. :upside_down_face:

You say there’s no point to “debate with blind players.” The irony in your statement is astounding, but alas! I’ll play your game.

If you genuinely believe this, you’re either braindead or looking for an excuse to be the victim. If the game forced everyone to have a w/r of 50%, literally NO ONE would hit “Legend.”

You literally HAVE to have a w/r over 50% to rank up. Lmfao. Otherwise everyone is stuck at rank 10 bronze. “Win 1, lose 1, win 1, lose 1, win 1, lose 1, win 1, lose 1…” Please explain how you hit legend that way. I’ll wait.

I’m retired at 35. I firmly believe in putting my money where my mouth is. I will literally give you my entire net worth if you can legitimately prove the game FORCES you - or anyone else - to lose.

However, in the spirit of maintaining that same energy, if we were to look at your replays, I’d also be willing to bet my entire net worth your replays consist of misplay after misplay, which is why you’ll never get higher than Gold.

Stop blaming the game for your inability to play it.

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Hi there share your battletag id be willing to help you out :slight_smile: