More Handlock stuff.
Not sure how good this is going to be but at least I am glad they are going in a different direction then delete lock. Also, Zoo doesn’t seem like its getting anything so far.
Another example of coin potentially deciding a game.
I like that they’re pushing handlock in this set. It’s a fun archetype that hasn’t been viable for quite a while
Obviously they want darkglare to be a thing, but now they don’t want it to have any drawbacks or thought in playing it.
Warlock has no issue having a full hand, and cards having that kind of discount always see play.
This will be played, and this will be a good card.
But definitly not OP imo.
A good card, but only for handlock, need more cards for handlock to make this playable.
Nah handlock has enough draw, there is no question. It’ll be an expensive deck because it will need the 2 legendary draw minions, it could be the best deck in the format because spawning a 8/8 for turn 4 and each turn after in standard is pretty strong.
This is a legendary effect?
The main thing about it is that if the deck is playable this is a card that will get lots of complaints.
Theres a big push yet again for the hand size archetype in a control form ,im waiting for Mage to get the same type of cards this expansion.
I’m a bit dissappointed.
I mean, it is a good enough card and can make for powerful turns in the right deck.
Nevertheless, after hearing this guy get hyped to heck and back throughout all of Kurtrus’ backstory, he’s just… a pile of stats? Bit underwhelming.
At first I read this as an 8/8 and that was way too good. But then I saw it was 8/6 instead and that’s quite a disappointment (the difference 2 health can make). If your hand isn’t full, it’s just a Boulderfist Ogre with stats swapped and 1 more stat. If your hand IS full, may as well just pay the 1 extra mana and use Mountain Giant which is also better at 6-9 cards in hand on top of that.
I guess you would play this alongside Mountain Giants, giving handlock more consistency and upside, which is a good thing imo as handlock is a fun archetype and has been out of commission for quite a while now.
Also a Demon, which could be worth something.
Not a crazy powerful card in itself, but could see play if handlock is viable.
The “Positivity thread” made my wishes to come true, wow
If this was an epic, I think it would be very good (like the 6/6 that costs 1 if you have <10 cards in your deck).
Since it’s a legendary, I think this cards is pretty bad.
1 mana 8/8 if my hand is full?
If my hand is full, is because I don’t care about playing tempo, so a vanilla 8/8 is useless.
If it had lifesteal + taunt if your hand was full (cost not reduced) I could see some potential.
With the current effect, I am not even sure it would be playable if it costed 0 mana!
Maybe I am missing something, but even thinking about all the wild cards, I don’t see any reason why this card should be good.
Cool artwork, cool stats, but bad effect for a legendary.
The only thing that could save it, is some sort of combo that fills your hand with copies of it, so you have basically a “free” 8/8 every turn (thanks to the heropower).
oh wow, I didn’t even notice it was an 8/6 and not an 8/8
I guess it doesn’t even have good stats for the cost then
Illidari inquisitor beats also this card, incredible!
Warlock can pretty reliably get a full hand. So under the presumption that this is a consistent effect, is a 1-mana 8/6 good enough to run? Big piles of stats have become less impactful over the past few years. However, adding this to the 4 mana spell that summons a Fiend with stats equal to your hand size and the always useful Flesh Giants makes me wonder if throwing wave after wave of big idiots at your opponent will be a viable strategy. I sure hope so!
I like it. Fits mostly any deck. My destruction Warlock is often hand full turn 3-4 if I get backfire on curve, and is looking for cards to dump so I can keep drawing. Not sure what I’d cut though. Maybe Jaraxxus as it rarely helps honestly. Alex wins too many games to be cut.
we have the quest for that one
the final reward makes your opponent take your fatigue damage so its obviously aimed for that deck type
But not in Standard.