New unbeatable I WIN card just dropped. How do I defeat it?

The card opens an endless portal that makes it, so the other person can keep the board covered 100% all the time with cards that do up 20 damage with 20 health.
What card do I need to defeat the endless portal card?
If there is no card to defeat this card, can we ask WHAT WERE THE DEVS THINKING?



You might think I am trolling, but I genuinely love your threads SilentStorm.

Reno, anything that clears board, opponent topdecking, force kil’jaeden out of their hand, dirty rat works well if they have him in their hand. Played against a druid, i turn 1 dropped dirty rat after using a coin, forced his kil’jaeden out and he conceded

The card is absurd. Takes absolutely no strategy or skill, just drop the card, immune to fatigue, wipes out any negative cards placed in your deck, get 10 cost cards free.

Of course, most of the game seems to no longer involve any skill whatsoever. If you didn’t purchase the most legendaries, the game is nearly entirely RNG. Played 5 straight games where people who may as well have been NPCs got handed perfect draws as if they were looking at all 30 cards and hand picked them. Player gets to collect welfare win. You get to play 7 games just to get one legitimate game.


Welcome to Hearthstone. That should be not only the games, but the title that the developers use to describe themselves.

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What were the devs thinking? Is a trick question


I think all the cards need a nerf, too much power creep. RHG OTK makes the game feel like a slot machine, hope the RNG is in your favor.


they’re not rotating cards out that’s the big problem here. waiting a year to rotating card out is causing problems. there’s lot of broken from previous expansion that will cause broken combos.

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a portal that fills the board ? with those stats ?

such a card doesnt exist


Idk what card they’re talking about because I haven’t played Hearthstone in awhile but I can say every time they’ve posted about I WIN cards it has been true so idk why this time would be different. Some people like you probably just can’t see the forest for the trees or read between the lines.

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I think they mean the new Warlock card that turns their deck into a portal with an ever increasing stats demon every turn. SO eventually that does exist if allowed to live long enough. I cant seem to find the card at the moment checking the card library using either portal nor destroy as keywords… or even just a list of the warlock cards from the new expansion… so maybe it doesnt? lol. I know I encountered it at least once. lol.


its a neutral card

Legendary · Minion · The Great Dark Beyond · Battlecry: Replace your deck with an endless portal of Demons. Each turn, they gain an additional +2/+2.

i love it, screw your stupid mill/bombs/plagues
my deck is infinite now

its also not a good card, i hardly get to use it

only bad decks lose to it


Kill them before they can play it.

Remove the card from their hand so they cannot play it.

Disrupt their mana so they cannot play it.

Etc etc.

How do you do this when everything they do is to not die?

How do you do this when it is played before you get a chance to remove the card from their hand?

How do you do this when you don’t have the ability to disrupt their mana? Doesn’t mana go up by 1 every turn anyway even if disrupted?

Etc etc indeed

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But i just beat it with one of my DK decks no less without using that card.

it’s a good plug in for ETC if you don’t need it in your main deck.

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i put it in my etc for my questline paladin deck

once the quest is done, i can play it to get rid of all the 1 cost cards in my deck

with my HP summoning a 6/6 in stats every turn with DS, endless demons are great


You arent human… lol. You are obviously Skynet just messing with us before the takeover.

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This card is very much broken when it comes to Wild druids. They have all the mana cheats they need to use this card and then just mill their deck so they get 20 mana to drop all the ones they draw and add the effect of drawing extra cards into this effect. They basically can reload their entire board without issue every turn.

Even if you are runnign kiljaeden in your own deck, you are still capped at the 10 mana while they are running 20 mana a turn.


You can reset their mana to 5, and cap yourself at 11