New TWIST - Heritage only no Legendary

Hi, I tried the new twist. I see only the Heritage COMMON cards and only COMMON. Like the last Twist rule. But the limitation to common is not in the current TWIST Rule, is it a bug or the “only common” rule has been kept. (I play on EU)

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the only legacy legendaries poping up to be used are brightwing and murk eye…

Are you sure it’s not because that’s the only ones you own ?
I can see Natalie Seline, Vanessa VanCleef and 3 other neutrals
(but yes there’s a lot missing)

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This is really disappointing. I was hoping to play some old classic decks today. It looks like the only rares, epics and legendaries available are cards which were added to the Classic or Core sets later (like Natalie Seline, Icicle, or Nordrassil Druid). Otherwise, only commons are available.

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This is COMMON & Legendary Gift Card (Seline ETC …)
Obviously an error, In this config some classes have only 10 cards. Meaning that you probably have to build a neutral common deck with no fun.

I was expecting a new season of Twist, but the quality of Blizzard turned out to be on their level.

I can confirm a lot of what other people are saying here…

The cards listed do not match the rules for the format. They are all Legacy cards, but it’s a subset of them. (I own the full set, on 2 accounts.)

Concerning Legendaries, it appears we’re all seeing Seliene but random neutral after that. (The list of Twist legal cards appearing on each of my accounts does not match.)

I am seeing Rares and Epics, but again not the full set. And, a lot of key Commons are missing.

This format should essentially be Classic, with the cards that were later added to Legacy in the pool.

I guess I’m not playing Day 1, and will hope for a patch in time for Day 2.

Haven’t tested the fix yet, though, gotta look into it.

By the way:

Yesterday it looked like these bunglers forgot to add EXPERT1 to the list of eligible cards, ruining Day 1 of the mode (essentialy, only LEGACY cards were playable). The comment above regarding ‘Classic’ cards (indeed, cards from EXPERT1 are those that can be obtained from Classic packs) indirectly supports this theory.

PS Looks like they’ve fixed it indeed, but Naxx hasn’t been added yet, despite it being Day 2 on the EU server already. Are they compensating for the lost Day 1 or are they gonna add it later, I wonder?

PPS Naxx appeared after restarting the client.