28.6 Known Issues

Patch 28.6 is now live. With it, we’re kicking off our year-long 10-year anniversary celebration and starting on our path to Hearthstone’s next expansion: Whizbang’s Workshop! Make sure you check out our blogs for details.

With so many goodies in this patch, we’ve unfortunately hit a few snags, too. Here are some of the Known Issues we’re tracking in this patch:

  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] In classic Shudderwock fashion, Harth Stonebrew’s iconic Shaman hand is appearing twice as frequently as intended and the iconic Mage hand isn’t appearing at all. This is scheduled to be corrected in an upcoming hotfix.
  • [Hearthstone] Malfurion’s Gift contains the versions of Swipe and Wild Growth that currently exist. When cards are updated in Patch 29.0, they will pull from the updated versions.
  • [Resolved] [General] We are expecting a delay with the release of Patch 28.6 on the Samsung store. Affected players are expected to still be able to get it from the Google Store instead. We will share more information when we have it. In the meantime, be aware that if you login to your account on a device that does have the new patch, you will not be able to then login to your account on another device that is still on the older patch.
  • [Added 2/13] [Hearthstone] Harth Stonebrew’s iconic Druid hand includes a Malfurion Hero Card that doesn’t grant Armor.
  • [Added 2/13] [Hearthstone] Harth’s iconic Demon Hunter hand isn’t as “iconic” as intended. That particular hand is intended to have special un-nerfed versions of the included cards. It’s expected to be corrected in Patch 29.0.
  • [Added 2/13] [Shop/Collection] We’re investigating reports that some Hero Skins are appearing incorrectly in the shop or collection.
  • [Added 2/14] [General] We’ve seen reports of lag, missing textures, etc. from Mac users. These issues seem to be resolved by using the “scan and repair” function.
  • [Resolved] [Battlegrounds] Golden Mad Matador doesn’t trigger twice, as intended.
  • [Added 2/22] [Hearthstone] Velarok is currently not being treated as a Dragon after transforming.
    [Resolved 3/1] [Twist] Some cards from the Legacy set are missing from the Twist eligible cards pool. This issue has now been resolved. A minor visual issue was introduced with the fix, where the Twist rules say that both Legacy and Classic are part of the card pool. This will be fixed in an upcoming update.
  • [Added 2/29] [Cosmetics] The 10-year Anniversary Coin is missing its golden animation. The fix to this is expected in the next major patch.

Battlegrounds Pools Updates

  • [Resolved 2/13] The “Untamed Sorcery” Quest Reward has been added back into the Quest Reward Pool.
  • [Resolved 2/13] Recurring Nightmare has been removed from the Tier 7 minion pool while we investigate an issue causing crashes.
  • [Resolved 2/13] Open Auditions has been removed from the Quest Reward pool while we investigate an issue causing crashes.
  • [Resolved 2/13] Sire Denathrius has been temporarily removed from the Hero Pool while we investigate an issue causing crashes.
  • [Resolved 2/14] Secret Culprit has been temporarily removed from the Quest Rewards pool due to a bug. It is expected to be returned to the pool in an upcoming hotfix patch.
  • [Added 2/16] Fluidity has been removed from the Tavern Spell Pool due to a bug allowing for an undesired play pattern.
  • [Added 2/16] Suspicious Stimulant has been removed from the Tavern Spell Pool.
  • [Added 2/16] Jandice Barov has been temporarily removed from the Hero Pool due to a bug allowing for an undesired play pattern.
  • [Added 2/16] Open Auditions is causing a new issue, has been temporarily removed from the Quest Reward pool again. (This is why most productions go through a casting agency)
  • [Added 2/28] Exhume the Bones has been temporarily removed from the Quest pool due to a bug.
  • [Added 2/28] Aranna Starseeker and Queen Azshara have been temporarily removed from the hero pool due to a bug.

Related Posts:
28.6.1 Patch Notes
28.6.3 Patch Notes

We will update this post as we get more information.

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Im not being able to play after update. I come in to main menu but when i click to play it just buffer and i dont come any further. Server issues?


the game shows a runtime error after the update and won’t even launch


Тhe new patch broke my entire collection. I’m missing half the cards and with the rest of what I have I can’t even create a new deck to play.

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I just played a game with a new battlegrounds bug that prevents any actions. The opponent completed their quest and 3 cards showed on screen and that’s when I couldn’t do anything. I closed and reopened the game but issue persisted. Please see screenshot: [Preformatted text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/996794822037885029/1207055921226846228/Hearthstone_Screenshot_02-13-24_15.02.47.png?ex=65de416d&is=65cbcc6d&hm=6fbf518995f6d5bede8f05def74ad1489f2c4e172b300cbf5c4f477f0dd555d3&)

Edit: Would like to point out that there’s not even a timer, the screen is just as you see in the screenshot.


I Just encountered this same bug and it seems that game just goes on normally for anyone not facing the player with this quest completed, because it still shows your game results when you check your stats in HS or deck tracker (if you use one of those)

Yeah i still cant play. Also the journal tab is laggy as hell. Anyone working on a fix?

I just played a game against a Hunter that played Harth and got a hand full of frost DK cards? Is this how the card is supposed to work or a bug? I am confused

In Battlegrounds the board bug which constantly show a “red 1” on the board collection is STILL not fixed.

It still shows that I have a new board in my collection despite there being none. This is happening for months now.

The new patch broke my collection , most of the cards are missing their art

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On MacOS return(close) button is disappear in the general shop

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Game is LAGGY as hell after update!
Almost unplayable.


Just played a game of Battlegrounds and there seems to be a bug with golden Mad Matador only triggering once, instead of twice. This happened in two rounds.

minor thing, the card mining casualties reads: “summon 2 silverhand recruits with DR” , yet what it really does is it summons 2 normal silverhand recruits and then it gives them DR, if it would summon minions ->with<- the DR, it would work with cards like undertaker, it currently doesn’t; again very small thing yet i think the wording could use an adjustment.

Same here, Battlegrounds barely playable on Macbook Air M2 Sonoma 14.3.1.
Lagging and huge drop in fps when there’s any animation/particles happening on the screen. Also, some particles are just colour squares.
Everything was perfect yesterday, therefore seems like this update broke something

I have a black screen after the log in with just a few words and no pictures. Unable to play any modes


Since the update, there is an unplayable amount of lag both in menus and gameplay.


Having an issue in BGs where, when offered quest choices after three rounds, quests show but rewards don’t appear.

It appears that if reward is x2 deathrattle/end of turn the complimentary minion will still show.

And so it has been for 15 minutes… And why did I re-register? Because the inscription “Fight” appeared and that’s it, the game didn’t want to switch me to a fight anymore, anywhere. Great update, Blizzard, great. You’re brilliant as always. Just like with the balance)

[Hearthstone Screenshot 02-14-24 07.44.00.png (1920×1080)](file:///C:/Users/fnafa/OneDrive/%D0%A0%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%B8%D0%B9%20%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB/Hearthstone%20Screenshot%2002-14-24%2007.44.00.png)