New Technology Idea

I came up with a New Technology idea, please help support it so it can become a reality!

You invented “blocks”. They have existed in card games for a long time.

You didn’t come up with anything. Spam has existed for years! XD

Yes exactly, and yet here we are 10 years later, the technology has not caught up! So I am proposing this revolutionary idea to implement such profane profound technology to the game finally.

I didn’t know this was already implemented into the game?

The tech does exist. MTGO uses it. HS chooses not to.

Where will they get the money to implement this? Their budget has already been cut to a third of what it once was.

Maybe they could use their budget to hire a proper card designer team who wouldn’t ruin the game with every new expansion they throw out in every 3 months… instead of creating stupid expensive cosmetics which are mostly for kids so only a few ppl want to buy them…

Really? I haven’t see it yet in Hearthstone

Ah okay. They really need to get on that!

Good question, I feel like if they save the game and player count increases by 10x they might make more money? Idk

I mean well this New Technology solution fixes all card design problems because you could just play X-year of Custom Ranked where the cards and decks were designed well. It fixes basically everything the only downside is implementation for this extreme and extraordinarily complicated and surely expensive new technology.

As I explained in the original post, you don’t have enough players to do that; you will probably need 10X the current total players for it to be good or more; it would be like an abandoned Twist otherwise.

The technology is very simple to implement; probably a few hours for only one good Programmer; the UI would take more time for the artists even.

Yes. Like Classic. Even the Chinese bots werent enough to keep that format running, and the OP wants 10 of them…

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That’s good, since there’s 10 years worth of historical players who have left the game who can return to play their favorite times in Hearthstone. Literally grow the game by 10x compared with current hearthstone and you say we don’t have enough players lol

That’s not why they got rid of Classic. It was literally too good of a mode to the players and players didn’t have to spend much if any money, that’s why they axed it lol