New Rogue Legendary: Pirate Admiral Hooktusk

you can always build rogue to destroy extremely greedy decks… and lose to everything else.

even if you have 90% vs 1 deck, if you get 10% vs the rest of the meta, unless the deck you are destroying is 51%+ represented in the meta, then you are at a net negative winrate.

This is similar.

As an example, in the current meta, if there was no rotation happenning, this would destory kazakusan priest and kazakusan warrior… and lose to everything else.

You still wouldnt say that this would be a competitve deck.

Man, this card looks like so much fun.

I’m a bit of a historical pirate fan so the whole theme is just very attractive to me.

It might be memey, it might not. Between Scabbs and a possible Shadowstep, possible Shark Spirit, and she literally steals cards, not just copies of them.

I’m going to waste so much dust building a pirate rogue deck. :joy:

t’m there with you on that!

it’s just that realistically speaking, with what we know so far, it seems more like a meme rather than competitive.

not that i mind a good meme…

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That just means I have no excuses if I complain, haha.

I was worried this is warrior. But I like the idea for Rogue, if there are enough pirates to make it work.

I loved espionage Rogue, so if there is something close to it, I will take it. I was worried if there are enough pirates, but it looks Rogue is getting pirate treatment similar to freeze treatment to Shaman.

I think it will be fun meme deck rather than some insane deck.

I always felt that Prep + Vessel + Trawler Dredgy Boi will give you all 6 pirates on Turn 5.

Alternatively Prep + Vessel on 3, Trawler on 4 for the six pirates.

This all assumes Prep stays core, of course.

well, it destroyed priest and paladin back in the day, i think overall i had been at ~60% with it in D5-low legend. So if the meta is slower control Rogue can absolutely work.

For this Pirate Package so far i also assume it´s not gonna go anywhere near T3++, but it´ll be fun to make it work nontheless. Hooktusk into Cache incoming.

you need 8 pirates though, and the above is 5 (4 from vessel 1 from the dredge)

True enough. Not sure why I thought Vessel gave 3 pirates. I was thinking between turns 1 and 5 (or 3) you’d have played at least 1 pirate like Swashburglar. And then two more between 6 and 7. Here is where Cutlass Courier accelerates the count by at least 1, and more likely 2 (itself and the draw from hero power attack).

Like with all the theorycrafting, much will depend on what Core offers Rogue in terms of cheap pirates.

Oh yeah, I’m still being ‘faithful’ to my class and maybe 1 other. I’m just shuddering at the value the Rogue player could potentially plunder from my deck :smiley:

I may even have Rogue as a second option. I just want fun decks, not necessarily climbing decks but Priest just might be both this expansion.

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this is a fleshy card but it doesn’t push burgle, DR or pirate archetypes.

  1. Ticketus was basically a waste of time if the opponent didn’t get to fatigue; this costs 2 more.
    Nice counter to kazakusan, but I won’t play it for the first effect
  2. removing cards from the opponent’s hand is the strongest effect imo. you still have to pay a lot of mana, so it will be dangerous, but you steal resources from your opponent’s hand which is huge
  3. the last effect I imagine will be useful only in few matchups, like against a DR deck or a buff deck; it’s basically mind control with a body, not bad but very situational (against some classes is good, against others is useless)

I’ve loved that song since my boy was very young!
You are a pirate!

We’ll all be Salty Dogs in 3 weeks :wink:
Something from my youth:

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Here hoping for Hench Clan Buglar and Spectral Cutlass get added to Core and Swashburglar stays in core. For the Burgle Pirate Mill Meme Deck. Delete the opponent deck, hand, and board by somehow playing 1000000 Hooktusks.

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Definitely looks fun. I read in another thread that people think Zola is coming back to the core set. If you can manage one mana of discount, there’s your bounce. And if Shadowstep stays, you can Hooktusk, Step her, then next turn play her again and Zola can bounce her. And then you play her again the next turn. Delicious.

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And don’t forget Hero Scabbs!

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I’m so jealous. This is the kind of thing I would have loved in priest (minus the pirate theme of course).

the thing is, rogue often gets heavy value/control cards, but they are near unplayble exactly because they are for rogue.

cards like anub’arak as an example in warrior, priest, even warlock, and etc control classes could actually end up being oppressive.

Look at suggestions here, about playing her and shadowstepping her as an example.
if you have 20+ armor and are sitting at 50 health effectively, sure, skip your turn 8 and lose another 6 mana from your t9. But with rogue, being probably at 20 or less at that point and being unable to aoe clear… that is a more elaborate concede basically.


I agree. Rogue doesn’t get good use out of those cards, and they would be much stronger in priest. I don’t think the card will be oppressive in rogue. I’m just jealous - it looks like it would be a fun card to play in my priest decks.

On the converse side, the cards priest is getting this expansion would be so much better in rogue. Imagine handmaiden or Priestess Valishj in rogue. They’d be so much stronger than they’re looking to be in priest.

Something like an 8 mana card that draws 5 cards and hopefully triggers deathrattles without giving rogue any deathrattle cards. :grinning:

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