OMG, you’re right.
Why do they keep making OP Battlecries for Rogue?
Couldn’t it be “End of Turn”?
OMG, you’re right.
Why do they keep making OP Battlecries for Rogue?
Couldn’t it be “End of Turn”?
And players screamed to no end when Priest was taking cards.
What could possibly go wrong here?
What a joke this product has become.
It’s almost as if a class with inherently good control can do different things well than a class with bad control tools!
Preposterous, I know.
It’s also almost as if Team 5 has run out of ideas and is scavenging failed ideas from past decks and simply recycling them for other classes.
Leaving aside the shifting goalposts:
There’s a difference to something simply being similar and something being a copy.
I’m pretty confident into saying that even though one out of the three options resembles tickatus, and another resembles mind control this card has nothing to do with tickatus or mind control.
Rogue has a lot of deathrattle cards. I’ve never gotten this.
Loan Shark and Infiltrator Lilian if you want good class Deathrattles, then there’s Humongous Owl, Legionnaire, Piggyback Imp, Mo’arg Forgefiend, Death’s Head Cultist. You can make an egg build with Rogue Deathrattle stuff, Scrapyard Colossus.
Even crappy cards like Akama or Ticketmaster are pretty good in this sort of more grindy value deck.
You run broom and Forsaken Deathguard to give you some flexibility so they’re not lumps in your hand. And then Smoke Screen is actually this huge tempo swing.
Is it the best deck ever? No, but it’s a lot of fun and it works really well.
I’m pretty confident saying that Team 5 is completely out of ideas, and this one has been tried before, in more than one deck that got screamed about, right here in forums.
Eh, the only comparison here is MAYBE Tikatus. But on this card the Tikatus effect is the worst one, and so far there’s no way to copy this card, or replay it (we don’t know Shadowstep is staying in the core set).
Even with SS, the fact that this is 8 cost and in rogue already makes the tick warlock playstyle impossible.
Surely then you can show those multiples. No?
This card gets my prediction for most complained about of the expansion.
With the right payoff, Rogue can play a control game. This isn’t Year of the Dragon, neutral healing and AoE cards exist. It’s certainly not on the level of Warlock, but it’s possible.
This card is such a huge tempo swing. Not just a huge value card, but tempo. Even if all you take from your opponent is his single 5 drop, that’s a 10 mana swing on the board. Mind control effects are really strong.
The only tempo option is the mind control. And that one is extremely reliant on board state.
The other two options have exactly 0 tempo (just an understated 8 drop).
Card advantage has nothing to do with tempo.
Plus, the “neutral healing” options are so good that they are run in 0decks atm and the neutral aoe options are so bad that only a single minion in a t3 deck is being run out of them.
I’m talking about the mind control effect being tempo. And the only thing it requires is that your opponent have a minion really.
Otherwise they’re probably playing some sort of burn/combo thing, which you can just steal cards from their hand to screw them up.
This card is going to be screamed about. Guaranteed.
It needs much more than the opponent having a minion.
It requires their bulk of stats to be placed on a single minion.
In any sort of wide or not-tall board state, the tempo is trash.
Oh, that I have no doubts about!
The second a greedy deck loses to a more greedy one it is screamed upon in these forums.
I wasn’t talking about mindless rage, but about actual card power.
It takes whatever the biggest minion is, though. Which is the one you’ll want. Even if it’s like 4 3/3s or something. You’re taking a 3/3 and giving yourself a 3/3 to trade with next turn.
But that’s like… a weirdly specific example. Most of the time by that point in the game you’re going to have an obvious thing you want to steal.
I think I’m probably done with trying to rank in this game.
If this is the type of cards that We can expect from now on, then I have little to no interest in the product anymore.
That’s exactly why it isn’t good tempo.
Boards of 3/2 s, 3/3s, and 3/4s and etc are actually quite common.
Taking one of them away, and developing an 8/8 for 8 mana, is actually bad tempo in these times.
That leaves 9 damage to the board for the enemy.
His 8-9 mana are more than enough to both clear an 8/8 and a 3/4 and develop even more stuff, while also hitting you for 9.
You have 0 healing, and 0 aoe, and you are dead next round.
If the tempo of an 8/8+3/4 + removing a 3/4 for 8 mana was “good”, then what you call the tempo of simply dropping an informant+assassin for 4-5 mana and having more stats and better removal simultaneously?
(and yet, informant+Assasin is not by any stretch a game winning play by itself. You have to repeat round after round of that to close games)
Its a nice card to punish these greedy decks
I think these are fairly specific examples. Assassin + Informant is two cards. Assassin also doesn’t steal potential steal your opponent’s big minions. I think if your opponent is developing a wide board, then you’ve just fallen behind, and sure this card doesn’t save you. But there are situations where it does.