New Rogue Legendary: Anka, The Buried

Perhaps I just not too sure if autioneer will be a burden if I myras early and draw autioneer and can’t afford to play spell. If opponent refuse to kill my autioneer thru freeze or something, may be stuck in a bad state. I use this strategy alot to kill mecha’thun druid last time.

Theres always a risk element.

But, remember, rogue cant well address wider boards. That cycle will often offer you multiple backstabs and eviscerates and planks. Could be clutch.

Haha thanks for the advice. I shall wait and see once the expansion is out. Rogue may have more cards to put in this deck that help with draw.

Thats also true. And you can play really good stuff like roll the bones if you try it in wild.

We will keep an eye open. Lets see what kind of draw options come around.

Can start Soulflayer earlier lol.

This is an important point that I see a lot of reviewers struggle with during card reviews. They set up the ‘dream’ scenario and then say “But that won’t happen very often so this card sucks.” You don’t always need the dream scenario for a card to be good.

The real question is can rogue assemble the rest of the shell around this card to make it into a viable archetype, given this is a 1 of legendary and therefore a bit inconsistent. Deathrattle Rogue has existed in the past; not necessarily as the best deck of the meta but it was a reasonable deck choice.

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This card is another mana cheat card. Mana cheat cards are op. This card is almost bonkers. Not sure what ppl seeing that dont think its good.

Mecha’thun rogue is gonna be a thing for sure… >.< and i hate it!

Because there isn’t that many good deathrattles especially for Rogue right now. Mecha’thun is nice in theory but I don’t think it’ll get much play. At best it’ll be like Mecha’thun warrior as it is now where bomb and control is better or holy wrath paladin.

Current deathrattles you might want to play in a deck like this:
Snip-Snap - Just magnetizing itself once is a 4 mana 3/4, DR: summon 4 1/1s
Blightnozzle Crawler
Weaponized Pinata
Gral, the Shark
Rotten Applebaum/Deranged Doctor
Mechanical Whelp
Splitting Festeroot (a stretch)

And there’s sure to be more deathrattle options yet to be revealed and then more in the last set for this year. If nothing else, keep it in the back of your mind for future sets.

you just need mecha’thun and then backstab your 1/1 mecha’thun ^^ no need of those cards…

And if either Mechathun or Anka is at the bottom of the deck?

auctionner for fast drawing ( with cheap spells) . and myra’s for emptying your deck^^

Replicated stuff from Valeera will cost the same and have the same stats as the original minion, not the 1/1 version.

Rogue can already do mecathun with double galvaniser, prep and walk the plank, and used to be able to do it with just 1 galvaniser. Saw 0 play. Mechathun rogue won’t be good.

hey people said that about Bomb warrior too that is gonna be unplayble… what happened?^^ + mecha’thun rogue with anka is gonna be super good and faster than a galva

Warrior has the tools to stall long enough for the bombs to finish the job, especially Dr. Boom.

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People also thought that prince 4 was the only viable one, and that keleseth would be garbage.

Using past experiences of completely different expansions doesn’t work, all we have to work off of is common sense. If a deck is complete unplayable garbage before, and you give it a slightly different way to pull off its combo, it’s pretty reasonable to say the deck will still suck.

bomb warrior was a thing before RoS but it sucked and they gave it more cards and became a thing. If you give 1 card to a deck that is bad maybe this card is a game changer.

Bomb warrior was bad before RoS because that was pre-rotation, where it had to contend with mammoth cards, as well as multiple really good bomb cards being added in RoS.

Anka changes literally nothing to the pre-existing deck other then a marginally better ability to pull off the combo.