New Rogue Legendary: Anka, The Buried

you said it . Anka cuts 2x galvas and the Plank etc… anka actually cuts a lot of cards.

You’d still run planks, so you are cutting 2 cards?

The deck loses because it has no survivability, how is changing the combo slightly going to make it super good?

Nope you are not gonna run 2x planks on this deck … no reason to do it.

you can have survivability with the anka. since you maybe want to run deranged doctor or maybe they will release some other deathrattle cards that can give you survivability.

Waiting to draw a specific card by turn 5 that has to combo with specific other cards in your hand that don’t even heal you straight away is garbage survivability.

There is plenty of reason to run planks, how else do you not die to an early giant?

Against slow controll decks you can maybe Shadowstep it and use it again

It seems very awkward to build around this, seeing that it’s a one-off. I don’t think that there’s enough to a prospective deck already (at least in Standard) for this to be enough to cause a new deck to emerge.

This let me think of an deck which works of its own already good and has Thun only for an 2nd win condition.

Aside from using Necrium Vial and Blade to trigger the 1/1s produced by Anka, you should probably be able to use Magic Carpet as well to turn the 1/1s into Rush minions with +1 attack. So, that could provide an alternate route to trigger them while using them to help with board control as well.