New Quest Requirements = Ridiculous

I don’t have to grind for anything if I don’t want to… because I am not spending my gold for 3 expansions now, have about 20 K and 40 K dust… I don’t even care about it anymore… until the game is full of these unfair mechanics, I won’t pay a single cent either… thats for sure… This game does not worth even the ingame gold anymore… no chance for real money… no… you need to work for my money if you want it… I am doing the same everyday… working for my money… I am not a 10 year old kid who just want to win without thinking… You need to show me something entertaining to get my money…

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Except if you refresh and GET the 60 minis like I just did, because I didn’t want to do the win 15 after their scaling reduced my 2 wins to 0. The sunken temple isn’t as sunken as the feeling I got seeing that.

I get that but also had the 60 mini card, refreshed it yesterday got 15 battlegrounds, rephrased it again today and had to use my hero power 40 times, and now it’s done. And I don’t remember what the other two were, however, I also refreshed one of them and I completed them yesterday.

The point is a weekly shouldn’t, potentially, take a casual player a week to complete.

I mean, in all fairness… it is a weekly card. it’s not a daily. Sometimes it takes me a week to finish my weeklies depending what it is. I agree that it shouldn’t be an absolute grind that sucks the life out you trying to finish it, however, I don’t think there’s anything wrong about taking a week for a casual player to complete a weekly quest.

weekly should only mean its what you get this week, not that it should take a week to complete.

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I don’t agree with that. If that were the case, weeklies would have less xp or the same as dailies. Weeklies should take longer than dailies.

So the XP should only have to do with them either being dailies or weeklies? Hmmm

You get more xp for weeklies because they take longer to complete and you have the entire week to complete them. It’s pretty straight forward.

I get that, but who the hell WANTS to play 60 minis or go through demoralizing, and they are, losing streaks to get those 15 wins?

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I get that, I don’t disagree with you on that, that’s why I refreshed my mini weekly, got the 15 bg’s which I certainly was not going to do… winning 5 can take forever since bg’s can be hit or miss, so we are on the same page that what was done to the new weeklies was absurd.

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Well if you can’t handle losing streaks, you probably should quit card games all together. I cant’t think of a single TCG that players get their cards on curve or even close… and the ones that do typically are doing some shady stuff with their shuffles. Hearthstone probably has a more fair shuffle system than any TCG player at a local shop. You need to accept that losing is part of card games and get on with life.

I have been playing since Ungoro. I have bought packs, deals, and rewards tracks. I play daily. Unless they fix the reward to match the time required to get it, I will not spend another dime on this game. I mainly play Battlegrounds now, and winning 15 games in a format that takes 35 minutes to win a game is insanity. Thats almost 9 hours of play, for what? a level of xp, INSANITY. That isnt taking into account the games you dont win.

I remember when the rewards track was added to replace win 3 games for 50 gold. Blizzard said they wanted to be fair and give more rewards. This latest move makes them LIARS.

It seems you guys couldn’t stand this criticism so you had to bring it back to the way it was, at least until I wrote this comment.
And we don’t want this disaster to happen again!

Oh no. They just “reduce” the requirements. But it’s still ridiculous.

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