New Quest Requirements = Ridiculous

So over 300% effort to complete most weekly quests, and around 33% more rewards?

Shareholders must be pretty peeved with us actually getting value out of playing the game. Well they can look forward to more dropping numbers going forward.

I will not be purchasing the new BGs BP or the new seasons going forward. 10 years was a good run, but ABK keeps putting profits over players, and this is just the latest example.


What does this even mean.

They are a business …

Yeah, and you make money by keeping players happy, not screwing them over.

Why are you like this?


I saw someone post one of the quests required 60 Minis lmfao. I mean holy cow I thought 16 was bad enough


I only have 1 or 2 nights a week to play this for a bit. I could get the quests done during that time. This will probably make me quit the game. Isn’t this suppose to be a casual game? Guess they want to push all us casuals out…


ive been stuck at gold or plat 10 for years and i always completed the win 5 fast

are you sure you dont usually win 15 in a week without noticing it ?


That’s it for me.

I used to play a lot, but mostly duels, which are now gone. I find the current ladder play to be excruciating – most games are determined by RNG with very powerful mechanics but you rarely have a game where it actually could go either way depending how you played. It’s just how you draw vs. how they draw. (Or the deck matchup which is set when you come in)

I thought I might linger for a while and do weekly quests and see if anything gets better but now those look like hell and require a massive time commitment for next to nothing. So this is the end of the line for me; I’m just uninstalling Hearthstone and going off to Steam to find something better to play.


Not everyone can play 30 ranked a week


Time to uninstall, it has been a nice run for a free to play game. Thanks to all the players I played this game with!


I don’t understand the question.

You are not being “screwed over”.

Your time playing is being undervalued.
The bump in experience doesn’t balance out the extended time required to complete the quests now. If it did, you’d have a point; you wouldn’t be getting shortchanged, but rather benefited. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

Either boost the experience gain to a level that matches the increased time investment, or conversely, reduce the time required to match the marginal increase in experience.


15 wins for the weekly quest is an exaggeration!

we are getting more exp so we should be able to get higher levels this expansion

But that’s a weekly card. I have that one and I’ve played 16 out of 60 far. And honeslty if you’re not going to play any of the mini card’s you can refresh for another weekly quest. It’s tuesday, they don’t refresh until next monday so it’s not as bad as some are making it out to be.

Plenty of time to get them done.

Hmmm actually I take that back, Wasn’t the weekly bg’s win 5 matches? Now it’s 15.

I don’t see why they felt the need to make the grind even longer since it’s already a grind to get what we already had so… yeah, not a good move for Blizzard to make.

They just made it more difficult for the causual player to get rewards.

There is a fine line between treating your customers with the respect they deserve and sticking it to them, because you want money.


Once again this team is incompetent. Can’t balance the game correctly but hey, they make you do more work to earn some xp…they know pissed their costumers off that’s one thing thst are good at.


I don’t see how you don’t see why some players are upset. They just made it harder for casual players to complete weekly quests by increasing the amount of time that is required in order to complete them.

To those who play the game more reguarly, it won’t impact them, but others it will.

I don’t understand why they decided to do this when it only hurts them. They want new players to pick up the game, but if I were a new casual player, the amount of time that they are asking does not really seem fair, nor does it motivate anyone to put more time into the game.

It doesn’t bother me beucase I literally only play this game and no other.

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There is no compulsion to complete the quests, you can just ignore them if you want.

If you cant complete all 3 weekly quests, which just became way more likely, you get less xp than before…

You can’t ignore one of your 2 main sources of xp allowing you to play the game


Yesterday when I got it, it was 30, now it’s 60 and it’s already 2 days in.

I got 0 because I don’t play a single deck with minis in it.

While I don’t care about the quests at all, it’s because I play non-stop. You can’t expect the same approach from casual players who play couple of hours per week.

I mean just take a look at the surreal “win 15 tavern brawls/arenas” quest. That quest literally takes hours and it’s pointless to do it unless you’re an arena main.

15 tavern brawls I wouldn’t play if it was the only game mode, let alone around 30 to win 15. I get 1 win for a free card pack and I forget about it for a week. Grinding it out 3-4 hours for one more additional pack (2k xp is loosely around 100-ish gold, ergo 1 card pack) is not a good proposition for me.

Don’t even get me started on winning 15 arena games. LOL. Good luck with that!!! Average player now, in this botted arena, wins around 2.9 on average, so it would take you 5 runs, or 750 gold, to do a quest which grants you around 1 pack.

Gimme a break m8.

Also, Climber, Boreas…you disappoint me. A line exists where defending the company moves becomes a full-blown trolling. You’ve crossed that line.

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