New Quest Requirements = Ridiculous

It will be funny to get 15 wins while you are on a complete lose streak and can’t win even 5 matches a day… Another bad decision… This won’t do any good to the game…


Yes, this is a the quest I am rerolling every week for the first… because 1 brawl win enough everyweek for the pack… and not playing Arena at all…

If you don’t have the time to complete the new weekly quests, you get much less rewards, therefore you have to open your wallet if you want to have a competitive deck, what is unavoidable in many cases anyway…

They want more $$$.
Nothing else matters.
That’s the whole point of this change.


Blizzard, please revert the requirements for the weekly quests. (At least reduce the requirements a bit ) I personally can finish the quests, but my friends and colleagues, who are not that active, are now frustrated. They are not registered in this forum, so I am posting on behalf of them.

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The one consistent theme of this forum is raging against change.

How would you characterize your behavior?

Here. Fixed that for you.


They want players to gather gold harder, play more and spend more money if they don’t have enough time to play. That is the only reason I can find behind this change but it will reach the opposite I think… More ppl will leave the game, play less and spend less money because this game cannot be taken seriously anymore. Everything is controlled by RNG now. Who the hell wants to play more matches when the MM can give the same unfair enemy deck 3 and more times in one row with the same perfect card draws and crush you everytime? This must be a joke… this is another reason why not pay a single cent for this game anymore…


It effectively removes casual players like me from the “real” player category. I make my own decks (isn’t that a nice thing to play against?). I play about 3-4 games per day, to knock off the daily quest, which takes an hour give or take. An hour a day is more than enough time on the treadmill, plus I have a job, an old house to maintain, a husband, other games to play, a garden, and a life. By completing the dailies every day, I usually finish the weeklies in a week. The current meta is awful when you don’t buy cards to make one of the “magic” decks.

So now, I’m dropping the “win 15 games” and abusing the Tavern brawl to make 100 battlecry and 60 mini quests. It removes me from playing standard even more than it did before. They perhaps think that the change was actually going to force casual people like me with real, handmade decks to play more often to fill the game after they got rid of all the Blizzard bots, but it has the opposite effect.

Blizzard really wants a game full of only the same five decks. Have fun with that.


Exactly. 1 hour per day to play an old card game is already way enough. There are other things to do.

Instead of rewarding us for providing opponents other than bots to the other players, Blizzard decide to punish us with harder quests…

I already lose about 80% of my games with my fun decks but I kept playing because I still could get rewards to craft some cool cards… I barely got any card from the two last expansions and now I will get them even slower…

Microsoft/Blizzard are wrong if they think it will compel me to play more or spend money.


That’s right. I was really shocked when I looked at the number they asked for. “15 wins” in exchange for a reward. Ridiculous!
I will delete this quest. I believe most of us players will feel frustrated with this change. We have many other things to do every day, not just eating, sleeping and waking up to play this game. Not to mention the meta game changes constantly after each adjustment and not all players adapt to that. If they don’t invest the money (yes, that’s what they want but the effect will be the opposite) to create enough cards to get many meta decks, they only have one choice: give up and delete the game immediately. Winning 5 matches is sometimes a problem, let alone 15 - a crazy number!
I myself am a person who is quite diligent in doing my quests. But when I see these crazy things, I also feel depressed and don’t want to do it.


This ^. The quest changes are a money grab, which are destined to backfire over time.

Nothing good is going to come from quest changes with a 150% increase in requirements, but only provide a 20% increase in XP.

I now have even less reason to keep or to try to complete the Ranked Mode quest, because I now have get 15 wins (instead of 5). They just don’t do not get it, because players like me now just have one more reason not to participate in broken constructed modes and a need to buy cards to engage in a crappy play experience.

I was already regularly re-rolling the Ranked Mode quest a lot, along with the play 16 Miniaturize cards, before the changes, but now you play 60 miniaturize cards to complete the quest?!!! Yea, right—LAWL!!!

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So much for causal play. Seriously, what was the point of this? How does this benefit anyone? Like I have all of this disposable time just to earn a measly 20% more reward gain. Yet another reason why the game continues to nosedive.


They got me back during Showdown and I’m out the door just as fast. Was a fun few months but I don’t have the time for these new weekly requirements. Good luck.

By turning it into a job. There’s tons of other games people play yet Blizzard seems to believe everyone must dedicate as much time and resources into their content and forget everything else exists. Instead of winning 15 games, why not make it where you play 15 ranked games instead. That would allow new players to collect rewards as well as everyone else.

They did the same thing with Diablo and made it into a massive grind. That’s why I stopped playing. If I had to complete daily weekly quests on this, on top of all the other games I play, there’s no way. I’d have to be single & unemployed.

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But, that’s what a META is, riiight. I hate METAs.

Partially walking this back is not enough, they need to fully revert these changes. they’ve clearly gone into this intending to be ‘talked down’ into slightly less insane quest requirements to make it seem a better deal by comparison. Don’t fall for it.

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Hit them where it hurts !!! Uninstall and STOP SPENDING $$$$$$$

You can get the quests done in non ladder

Most of them yes, but 15 win for weekly is in ranked only… as far as I know…

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If you want to stay “competitive” in a game where everything is decided by Blizzard’s algorithm and “rng” is pure illusion, you just have to grind from now on much more every week. Btw, it’s impossible for many casuals who still have a real life. How pathetic and absurd… This company has an exceptional ability in destroying it’s own games. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: