It’s not different from an aggro, but at the moment I think this quest is too easy to complete, with little to no real payment.
Mage quest: you need luck with the order of the spells type
Warlock: you need to lose life
Priest: you just play normally. the real payment is to spend 10 mana on the final spell that wins you the game, so it is irrelevant.
If they will balance it in any way, I would change the reward in “at the start of your turn you win”, so you spend 10 mana to do nothing and your opponent has still a chance to win
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So in your opinion any combo is garbage? Combo has its role in the meta.
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They already have that in the form of it likely taking a while to get Xyrella because you’re not gonna run that many 7 and 8 mana cards. If you have a perfect curve there’s still the Xyrella turn to try to end the game. There’s a decent amount of disruption available to it too.
I don’t really see why it’s OK for a face hunter to be able to just play normally and blow people up by turns 6 or 7 but if a control deck is able to end the game by turn 10-14 that’s too fast
How benedictus will evaluate this quest? Since it is not shadow spell, but on the other side it starts in your hand.
Does not work with Benedictus. He needs all spells in your deck to be shadow spells. This is a spell in your deck
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Won’t work
Why would you want to mix them together in the first place?
Benedictus wants you to use your Hero Power, which means you won’t be playing on curve to finish the Questline before you hit fatigue, lol.
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Thanos? Inevitable? Is Priest Thanos?
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I like rewards except final one. Discovering card not spell only like thrive.
U don’t even need 8 cost card in deck since u can discover 9 cost dragon with Draconic Studies and reduce it to 8.
That seems like a risky / bad plan.
G’huun isn’t horrible. There’s also Mo’arg Forgefiend (great with N’zoth), Plagued Protodrake (nice and sticky, also great with N’zoth), and (depending on your build) Varian.
dont forget primordial protector that can also either tutor your 7 drop (mirror) or even your quest reward.
Primordial protector is not good, lot of 7cost minions with bad stats.
Plagued protidrake is fine but wont protect priest.
Honestly that new moarg demon looks like best 8drop for priest.
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I am so EXCITED for this quest line.
Yeah, the demon is definitely the best. Depending on the build you may want a 3rd, though. In that case I’d probably go with Protector. Natalie Seline doesn’t see a lot of play but might actually be good here.
Here is my take on the deck:
Notable cards:
Annoy-o-ton: Mech, Divine Shield, Taunt
Venomous Scorpid: Beast, Spell generation
Void Flayers as you have much spells
Ruststeed Riders: Taunt, Rush
Taelan Fordring: Divine Shield, Taunt, Draw
Claw Machine: Mech, Rush, Draw
LightShower Elemental: Elemental, Taunt, Healing
Skeleton Dragon: Dragon, Taunt
Mo’arg ForgeFiend: Demon, Taunt, Armor
Varian, King of Stormwind: Rush, Divine Shield, Taunt, Draw
N’zoth, God of the Deep: Raise an army of taunts and rushers.
You don’t have much healing support for Xyrella. Maybe a second Hysteria instead? It has a similar effect. Maybe The Nameless One even, though that depends on the shape of the metagame. We could be seeing a world filled with buffs if Paladin works out.
I’m not sold on Insight alongside the quest. It could end up slowing quest completion by pulling a 7 or 8. Similarly, Palm Reading could mess up your 7-cost Soul Mirror.
There are only 9 spells in the deck so you can’t expect to have a good Void Flayer on turn 4. I’m also not a fan of Void Shard outside of shadow decks. The damage isn’t very mana efficient. You could add more board presence in those slots. Circus Amalgam goes great alongside N’Zoth to fill the murloc / quillboar slot. It also helps keep you alive.
Maybe also find room for Mutanus. He’s a murloc who can also do some serious disruption, especially if your opponent completes a quest but doesn’t play the reward.
That said, it looks like a decent deck that wants to win on tempo and has the quest as a backup option.
It will be absolutly worthless. And if not, It will be nerfed to become worthless.
I don’t think most people doubt the low viability of quest priest. That doesn’t mean it won’t be fun. And, who knows, maybe it can actually be good once Tickatus rotates.