New Priest Legendary Questline: Seek Guidance

Seems a lot easier to activate than Mecha’thun, but that’s a loooot of turns. How is priest going to get there (and eventually the purified shard) without card draw?

C’thun doesn’t win the game against a full board or an opponent that has armor +30 hp. Its also harder to complete C’thun, because you need to fish for 4 unique card in your deck that are overall costly (5 mana) , with situational, weak effect, and you can’t tutor c’thun (you can draw a minions from your deck but its random, while thrive in shadow is just better as its give you 3x more chance to get the shard) .

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Tradeable could help. The quest has two card draws built in as rewards. Besides that, the cards played to keep the quest going don’t have to start in your deck.

If you play Illucia in Duels, she could have some fun with this and her heal/draw hero power. Hopefully the quest doesn’t get banned in that mode.

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yea…no. Dh has to exert combo spells to defend himself to get there, and yea it has a lot of redundancy but nontheless it never reached t1 (albeit i really like the deck, pretty perfect balance for a otk in my opinion).
with the priest quest you can defend yourself while working towards the otk at the same time, it doesn´t make your wincondition harder or even impossible. So it can be more consistent despite taking longer.

Not a shadow spell. :sob:

As a Priest main, I hate this card with a passion. This is the sort of thing I don’t want to play against in Hearthstone and these sorts of cards always give off a negative vibe to the game. As if Priest wasn’t hated enough, they go and print this?

This is really lame.

I really hope they print a tech card against this sort of thing. I don’t want to win this way and people don’t want to lose this way.


There’s already celestial alignment and mutanus

Counter Spell, Oh My Yogg, Tickatus, and Mutanis will all help disrupt. Tickatus can flat out ruin it.

Also, “smash face” has a good record against decks as greedy as this one would have to be.


i dislike the card a lot.
It’s not good, and would be toxic af if it was good.
Terible design.

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I didn’t say anything about the difficulty of piloting the deck. I just said it was faster. Which it is.

Priest had better defensive tools, but DH has far better draw, meaning it is very hard to run them out of removal before they can draw their combo.

The problem is the 7 and 8 manas card, it is risk put only 1 card for both mana costs and put x2 for each plus start the game with one card less for a while make this deck vulnerably to aggro and being vulnerable to aggro is the weakness turning the deck into low Tier 3 or Tier 4.

If something put aggro severely in check this can be a meta call but I don’t put my money on that.

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Mutanus is already a tech card against this sort of thing. And playing on curve like this will always struggle vs aggro.
I wouldn´t worry too much right now.

If you’re playing against a deck that is running Mutanus, it means you’re playing against a Control Deck. This is an OTK deck, which almost always beats a Control Deck. Thus, it is extremely easy to dodge the Mutanus which would likely bethe only way they can beat you is if Mutanus hits your Xyrella. Playing your final 7 or 8 mana cost card and then protecting your Xyrella isn’t really that hard if you know what cards to build with this deck. There’s already a fairly easy solution or two and we haven’t even seen the rest of the cards yet.

Solution is just wait for that protecting card, play your 7/8 mana card to finish quest and play that protecting card. Bam, you just beat any Control Deck that is relying on Mutanus to beat your OTK.

Control Decks often struggle against OTK because OTK decks can draw their OTK pieces fairly quickly. More often than not, you’ll be pulling this OTK off before they ever draw Mutanus. And, IF they draw it, it has to hit your Xyrella…which you can prep for by simply saving minions in hand.

Mutanus is not going to be a reliable way to stop this OTK. I guarantee it.

DK Paladin was MUCH harder to pull off, required more card combos to be kept in hand and was countered fairly easily and was complained about quite a bit. This is going to make DK Paladin look like a joke.

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I think a more Tempo-leaning deck is itself a good counter to the Mutanus play. I just played an 8 mana minion, you got up to 3 mana to deal with that if you want to play Mutanus. And then I Death your Mutanus and punch you in the face with that 8 mana card. You can’t Mutanus if that hit still wins the game.

So that, on top of the other obvious benefits of minions instead of spells in the deck, makes me think the Tempo version will be better. Yeah, you don’t like having a Quest in your opening hand in a Tempo deck, but this Quest gets you 2 draws later in exchange for missing that first card.


Right, I agree. I think a tempo-strong deck plays into this really well because the deck will easily keep up tempo by discovering/drawing cards from the quest completion which easily keeps the tempo going. You give up your 1 mana turn (which is weak with Priest anyway) and you can continue hitting the tempo curve over and over again. If you are vs Control, you just discover your Xyrella protection card(s).

It will be fairly easy to pull the combo off by turn 9/10.

That seems pretty fast to me but I get what you mean. Maybe I want to believe that the Tempo itself will win some games.

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The only time I’ve ever seen tempo work well in Priest is with a dragon style deck because dragons usually have high stats with effect for decent mana. Priest doesn’t really have a lot of good tempo minions so it will likely have to be a mix of tempo + defense. This is where cards like Lightshower Elemental play huge roles.

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i think the game still counts the specific mana# spells as what they are, even when they are played as 1 mana from this…

WAY to slow. Unless the set includes enough tools to allow us to survive the current aggro onslaught the game has devolved into this wont see play.

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You sure?

I don’t think so. Discounted cards usually don’t count in your hand as original costs.

Proof would be that Corrupt cards do not work that way.

If I discount a card to 2 and its original cost is 5 and I have a 4 cost card that needs to be corrupted, playing the 5 mana now 2 mana card doesn’t count as a 5 mana card, it counts as a 2 mana card and that 4 cost corrupt card never gets corrupted.