New Priest Legendary Questline: Seek Guidance

This actually slots perfectly with my existing rally/menagerie lineup, but that lineup took a hit with he nerfs.

Also, mutanus hits one of the quest clicks, so you can always try to mutanus their mutanus before they can get you.

So a rally priest with draw would need a sticky 3 drop (maybe the quilboar), and ideally another good 1 drop. You can play with Mana costs a bit with discover dragons and the 1 cost elemental, so maybe those go in.

I don’t know, it’s an interesting idea, but my first impression is too complicated for HS.

But you can get stuck in for example not drawing your 4 mana cost cards. What if you have your 5 mana costs cards in hand, do you not play them because the 2nd part has not activated? With C’thun you can at least freely play them even if they are not great

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Run more minions and pray. You should have a reasonably full hand. :slight_smile:

You only need one 5 cost card though, you’re free to play extras. And C’thun pieces you can’t just play freely if you have your own minions on board for the aoe or no minions are on board for the assassinate.

So I have to think that palm reading doesn’t make the cut in this deck because of the mana reduction. Also is good to see that priest finally has win condition rather then just pummel your opponent into submission from random cards.

This card is so good!
I mean, from a meme point of view; it seems fun, like chtun but better.

It is also very easy to complete: just play normally, like a menagerie priest and you will complete it on curve.
Then play xirella + discover a spell from your deck and you have a win on the next turn.

Compared to the mage quest, this looks easier to complete (for now) and also more rewarding.
It seems also easier than the warlock ones.
I wonder how they come with the balance of the quest: the more I think about it, the easier the requirements become.
Unless you build your deck like a pepega, I think you can complete the quest on curve or almost on curve

The quest mostly becomes relevant vs other control/otk decks. Aggro players are supposed to win before turn 10:p, and aggro is the vast majority of played decks. This card has the power level of tickatus + Jaraxus vs control, though. It’s probably a very good addition in reno priest in wild, but idk for standard. The quest is an auto-include in standard, since it draws 2 cards, but it still may not be op.

The most mana you can have left over after completing the entire questline is 4 (end on a 7 drop and have saved The Coin). Xyrella costs 5 mana, so she’ll be stuck in the hand for a turn.

I’m just seeing a lot of potential for a hungry Murloc getting a 7/7 meal.

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I think reno priest is the last deck that would play this card for te final reward.
From what I saw, reno priest can easily beat an odd warrior with 30+ armor and I am not even exagerating when I say easily (spectating a friend in legend, he said it is impossible for a odd warrior to win against reno priest if the combo goes online)

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I hope it at least has a cool animation like mechathun. I always watch the animation when I lose to that one.

not if I play my murloc to complete the quest and eat your murloc

It’s not used vs odd warrior. It’s the 2 draw +a value card + a faster win condition + consitency. Reno Priest can sometimes only otk at turn 13 or later. This otk is far easier to pull off than spawn. The only downside is that you probably need to run 2 rank 7 spells, so one copy of soul mirror, you need 2 more 6 mana cards and the reduced usefulness of parlmreading (though runs more miniosn anyway)

So baiscally, you need a new deck that has little to do with the current reno priest :joy:


3 different cards (excluded the q). /20chars
Btw you can do fine without changing any cards. Just the draw is worth the downside already.

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You forgot about this handsome fellow
Rare · Minion · United in Stormwind · Battlecry: Add a Coin to your hand. Deathrattle: Give your opponent one.

If this card becomes meta xddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

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Glad we have a win con but that is a lotta hoops. Still I dig it. Definently will try to make it work, also by game turn 10 the game should be almost done. The OTK complaints are stupid. People claim to want priest to not rely on infinite generation or fatigue then complain when they can close the game by turn 10. Jesus.

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It’s a little bit early to talk about nerfs, but what if the reward said “at the start of your turn, destroy the enemy hero”?

if you wait until the questline is complete…then itll be too late remember we have cleric of anshe and thrive in the shadows so we can shuffle into the deck and add it to hand on the same turn

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I for one hope this is the animation.