I Only have one thing to say and it’s " GG PRIEST "
No more and then!!!
Exactly. All those cards that reduce the cost of spells in your hands won’t work in this deck because you want them to play at the right cost. Which means Priest will have to come up with a new deck.
Exactly what I was thinking when I saw the play 7 & 8 mana cards.
yea, mutanus can also really hurt the quest if it eats one of your few 8dropps.
But well, can´t be sure they won´t release a new 8mana spell yet.
i love it ! even if for some reason you cant get to use the win condition …the questline itself is card draw for priest ! i think just by adding it to my corrupt deck itll help me make it more consistent
So it shuffles the shard back into your deck, which means tickatus can still eat it, lol.
Looking at what’s currently available, here are what I think are more common priest choices
5 - against all odds, psyche split
6 - lightshower elemental, onyx magescribe
7 slot - seketal dragon, mutantus, soul mirror, keymaster
8 slot - primodrial protector, idol of y’shaarj, natalie seline, plagued protodrake in certain instances, a 9 mana dragon discounted by studies might also work
There are more options than I thought. And this is before considering the “bad” cards (like, say, temple enforcer for a 5 drrop lol)
…funny thing is though a tick lock can probably still beat this if they time their card burning right.
you can tutor it with thrive in the shadows in the same turn, the problem is mutanus.
imagine playing a 45 minutes game against priest, and then you suddenly die
If three quest completions, a minion played, then a specific card drawn is “sudden” then sure, I guess…
The specific drawing is very cool because you get it just for using cards that you were already using. I might add it just to improve the drawing of core cards and ignoring the end win condition of xyrella.
My thoughts are that mana discount cards are a bit concerning. You need to play Palm Reading carefully, and honestly running Holy spells for their mana cost and Devout Dungeoneer together might also be a problem.
You know, they printed some Priest draw cards and no one played them because Priest didn’t have a win con to draw into. This kind of turns that around. I fully believe there’s a list out there that can pull this off.
My first thought “Oh Shadow Priest, it’s never going to be your time” but then I got to thinking about the Holy spell & Divine Dungeoneer potential anti-synergy and thought maybe that’s where we’re going with this. But on the other hand, draw minions and Raise Dead seems strong but that’ll mean you don’t want a lot of minions in your deck and you will want healing…
Like, right now, we know for a fact that Priest can live for a very, very long time. That’s basically why it was nerfed. Putting a capstone at the end of that which says “I Win lol” is a bit surprising and I’m honestly concerned this is going to get nerfed somehow at some point.
Maybe curvePriest can be a thing? Aim to hit your curve every turn, giving you a bit of draw, and a nice wincon vs control (Primordial Protector and Thrive in the Shadows to fish out your wincon)
Not holding out any great hope for any of these questlines though tbh, just too slow and clunky, how many 7 and 8 cost cards can you afford to put in your deck?
Interesting, but never going to work is my final assessment.
Demon Hunter already has an otk that’s faster than that.
I am not sure I am impressed by this to be honest, I think C’Thun is easier to play then this thing but what do i know…
Trust me, I’ll play this a lot in wild casual. TRUE otk Reno priest:p
C’thun is harder because you have to play several bad/undercosted cards in addition to your 30 card deck to activate C’thun AND he only does 30 damage so you often need to deal with the board first.
Priest just plays good cards on curve and card draw, doesn’t have to dig through several extra cards to pull it off, gains a couple extra draws.
Fundamentally, Win Priest is starting with a deck that has like 7 fewer cards than C’thun Priest. In an archetype that is about churning through your deck.
There are a lot of 9 cost dragons you can discover and discount by one mana, makygos and Ysera, and Alex. I don’t foresee that being to much of an issue what I foresee being an issue is mutanus eating xyrella when ya complete the quest and celestial alignment.