New Priest Legendary: Mi'da, Pure Light

I don’t know why people think Priest struggles with Aggro. Absolutely baffles me.

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played the deck, bricked early on and died turn 5 probably.
because it happens. and not too rarely if you look at the matchup spread.

It doesn’t, not as much as other classes. So in what matchups is this card going to help?

Any value matchup. Any non-OTK matchup.

And what’s that? Ramp druid? Control warrior? Does it really make a difference against those decks?

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Ramp Druid, Beast Druid, Beast Hunter, Libram Paladin, Big Priest, pretty much any deck that doesn’t look to close the game out before turn 8.

As a Priest main… I’m super excited. I actually wasn’t expecting a Legendary because we had the Corrupt one from DMF mini set.

I guess given the story, the missing Naaru etc, I suppose from a story point of view it makes sense.

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Beast druids and libram paladins are tempo decks that will have ended the game way before this can generate any value, other midrange and control decks are so irrelevant in the game that’s not worth building your deck with them in mind. Not that this makes it more likely to beat them, even Mankrik might be better than this.

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Have you played Priest vs Libram Paladin? It’s a long game of attrition that often leads to the Priest winning via running the Paladin out of cards

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I love this card. Favorite of the mini-set. It would have been nice if they had pushed it on the mana cost a bit. I think this as a 5 cost would have been great.

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Hurray for Priest

Dragons and heal … this is going to swing the meta to Priest and all the whiners will be silenced.

This is a Priest Mini… wait for the final reveal.

Legedary: 6/3 cost 5
DR: sommon all dragons from your deck and give them 5/5 stats.

If enough of em die via the vanish the shards still get shuffled. Anti kek

Would you mind sharing the Priest list you have been running lately? Still playing with Benedictus or you dropped him?

Secret Passage level good
No, it isn’t run in greedy wild decks, I know.

Priest can tutor this out so easily, and has plenty of card draw tools at this point. Heal/Deathrattle Priest is actually starting to look really good.

Like this deck runs… 9 cards that cycle. Three of which are +1.

I am excited also worried at the same time. I originally planned to play with this as my only minion in my deck with a bounce of priest spells. Yes I could tutor it out early but it’s going to make great target for Mutanus. then my whole deck falls apart

Xyrella hero card will shuffle more of these. Psych split, gift and other cards exist to buff and copy this. How is that a bad card? It also summons when drawn and is resummoned when drawn. Did you forget how many ways åriest has to buff their minions?
Its slow, yes. Joke? No.

The issue is, that it doesnt solve anything for priest. Maybe if you play some tempo priest(?), if it will be a thing, where this adds on the pressure as it keeps coming back. But in control/questline there are just better cards for most matchups (with immediate effects - clears, heals, taunts).

You play against aggro? It is 6 mana and you have to hope you dont die by doing nothing on turn 5-6.
You play vs OTK? Healing doesnt do anything for you, you need armor.
You play vs control? You are likely winning anyway.

Not even in tempo, this is a terrible tempo play. This is clearly a value card, and value is out of the game right now. The only matchup where this could help is vs ramp druid.

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Since I am interested in playing this card in a midrange deck and I know priest relies on many (too many) legendary cards: what are the “must have” legendary cards for priest?

I was thinking about crafting only xirella hero to make a deathrattle midrange deck, but I know there are a lot more (samuro, xirella, soul mirror, nzoth…)
Any suggestion from priest players in what it’s really useful and what’s not necessary?