New Priest Legendary: Mi'da, Pure Light

Throw a buff on it and you are getting way more than 8 health 1 time. Opponent can’t really afford to ignore it unless they have already have lethal on board the turn this comes down. Lifesteal is a very strong keyword. Why do you think they nerfed Apotheosis? Wasn’t because +2/+3 alone was too good for 3 mana.

This is a fallacy. Luck is so big of a factor in HS, that you can win games even with very bad decks. It’s all about the percentages.
Look up the decks’ winrates. I don’t see priests nowhere at the top.

Your “never win” was an exxageration.

Ok, agree to disagree. If next few weeks show I am mistaken about the card, I am man enoguh to admit it. Are you? Because I have never been wrong about HS card predictions before, and this one would be the 1st.

You haven’t made a prediction on the card. All you said was games don’t go long enough wo win via value.

I don’t think anyone here is claiming this card suddenly makes Priest a powerhouse lol

Ok, I spell it out for you. Me saying the card is bad is my prediction, that the card will be bad.

No, that is not all I said. But somehow, it doesn’t surprise me you haven’t noticed my previous post. The one in which I say with taunt, rush, or 1 mana discount, the card would be actually good.

What’s the metric for measuring your prediction that a card is “bad”?

It won’t see play at all, ever?

It won’t be in any Priest meta deck?

Bad cards see play all the time. It’s about the winrate percentages.

In this case, the information we want to see probably is:
What are the win percentages of decks with this card included, with it in starting hands, and what percentage of priest decks actually include this card in them.

Look up these informations about The Demon Seed for example, and compare to the priest quest. The differences are nicely shown.

OK but you’re still being vague. What win percentage would you be looking for with decks running this card to consider your prediction false, and what percentage of priest decks actually including this card in them is too high to consider your prediction false?

We can’t possibly make a bet if the standard isn’t set, right?

Because I wouldn’t bet the card somehow pushes Priest over 50% win rate. I wouldn’t bet that the card is run in decks like Miracle Priest either. The only thing I see the card doing is making value decks (like Priest decks running Amulet) slightly better than they currently are.

Well, I agree with this. And that is one of the reasons I see the card as bad.

Over 50%, and in the better half of all the over 50% winrate decks.

The vast majority, or over 90%. Since priests currently don’t have that many good cards, a clearly good card will be included in the majority of them. Especially one that can be bought using gold, not relying on luck while buying packs.

that’s ludicrous.

there are multiple priest decks that run vastly different stuff. Like miracle priest vs DR vs shadow priest.

you cant proclaim a card to be good only if it’s run in 90% of “the whole class’ decks”.

by this assumption, then the majority of 5star cards that decide games are bad since plenty of them only see play in their erspective decks.


Yeah, the only Priest decks going to be in the 50% win rates are the ones that are there now - Shadow and Miracle.

That’s pretty ridiculous. You’d need like a 6 out of 5 star card to do something like that.

Again, no one here is claiming the card is OP or meta changing. There’s no one going to bet that this card is so OP that it does any of that. That’s a ridiculous claim, even for previously broken cards. Demon Seed isn’t even in 90% of warlock decks.

Good thing I asked for specifics and not vagueness, as it is clear your expectations for what is “good” is illogically bonkers. By your own standards, Demon Seed isn’t good.

Renew was played in well over 90% of priests decks, when the card was released. No matter what kind of deck it was. Because it was a really good card. So not that ludicrous.

But feel free to post your definition of a good card.

again, by your definition, Demon seed is a bad card.

Flesh giants, before being nerfed 3+ times, were bad cards.

And etc.

Yes, 90% IS ludicrous.

My definition of a good card?

a card, where in it’s specific deck that works with said card, contributes to winning the match.

Pretty much, in standard, the vast majority of cards that see play in t2+ decks, are good cards. Only when a card in such a deck has a sub 50% draw winrate, do I think it’s a bad card. There’s a reason why we say “only busted cards make it into the meta”.

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Is it? I didn’t define what I consider a bad card. Please, don’t put words in my mouth.

However, for the sake of argument, I am willing to adopt this one, but with “noticably” in front of “contributes”. (Meaning deck with this card vs more or less same deck without it have noticably better winrate)

I hope DR priest doesn’t become a thing :sleeping:

On the other hand, this card is cool: I may play again highlander priest in wild (imagine playing wild after stormwind)

It is 6 mana do nothing, it is basically win more card. From my perspective, it is useless. Has nice flavour, but instead of divine shield should have had either rush or taunt. This is unplayable.

It would be an amazing card half year ago. With all those OTKs, all fast decks, it is just extremely slow.


Varden, the mage mercenary, gets the last Book of Mercenaries. The legendary is a mage dragon. You do the math.

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This minion costs 6 mana. Do you know what priest can do if you choose to “just ignore it” at 7 mana? They can play Elekk mount to it that’s what. Suddenly it has taunt and lifesteals at 8 attack, and leaves behind a 4/7 taunt when it dies. Do not underestimate this sucker. It’s freakin powerful and there are MANY ways priest can abuse the crap out of it.


Ways that both you and I are already concocting I am sure.

If people really want to just ignore this minion when it’s played, that is EXACTLY what you and I want them to do lol


Sure this card probably not going to make Priest tier 1 but it is not a card you can just ignore and expect to beat unless you are running some kind of OTK combo or already have lethal. If Priest gets a turn with this up the game will quickly swing in their favor. Similar to what Ysera does in Arena.

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Idk man, if you’re facing aggro by turn 6 you’ll be desperate for taunt and healing, so it’s better to have a lighshower elemental on the board. Against combo this doesn’t do anything. It’s comparable to the priest’s prime from ashes. Great in arena though.