New Priest Legendary: Mi'da, Pure Light

Looks like the best Minion to resummon with Amulet of Undying by far.

As Miracle Priest, it’s going to be really nice to have a board of Mi’da from random Call of the Graves vs Warriors/Paladins/SlowDecks.

4-5/5 Star Power, Hard Run
5-6/5 Star Power, Really good/strong card to Discover/Generate

This is also added to the pool of deathrattles for rogue to discover with recon as well.

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You spelled “bad” incorrectly. You can’t heal past 30 to prevent OTKs, and the games don’t last long enough to play late game cards anyway.

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You no Taunt?, You no rush? you useless to priest in this Meta.
6 Mana 4,6- Low stat. The 6 Mana taunt elemental heal for 8 is far better than this.
That they even dare to call this a Legendary. LMAO.

What an underwehlming legendary card, what a joke is that?

Can’t see this being good tbh, too easy to ignore (no taunt), the dr isn’t very impactful, you play this on 6 and the average game length is 9 turns (if we’re lucky), so you’ve got 3 turns to try and draw the fragment, and even if you do your opponent can still ignore this.

Gets rinsed by freeze and transform effects too, all Xyrella hero card does is put an extra fragment in your deck with no immediate effect.

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… why is Mage getting another god damned Mini-Set Legendary?!

I would wanted a diamond version to see its FULL ANIMATION

i do like the concept, and there is some tutoring for holy specifically.

but right now it doesn´t do anything for Priest I´m afraid. There´s very little difference to the 6/6 elemental already run, it has the exact same weaknesses and will Therefore not really help in any way right now.

If the game ever allows Value to be a thing again, sure, this is tons of that - but as long as UiS remains part of standard this will not happen.

So incorrect. If that were the case, Quest Priest would NEVER WIN a game. Yet they do, all the time.

Priest can easily escape Rogue OTKs, Melphina and I do it all the time.

The only OTKs that are pretty inescapable are Handlock / Bolner Shaman / Mozaki. Mozaki has greatly decreased in play rate, Quest Priest does well against Bolner thanks to Mutanus and Vol’jin, so there’s really only Handlock to worry about. You can armor up and heal up and get over the 30+ health threshold of where Rogue becomes dangerous.

What you are saying is such a common misunderstanding and exaggeration.


The Blue one (Mage Legendary?) - that isn‘t Renogos, or is it? The next two should be Onyxia and Kazakusan.

Lifesteal makes this harder to ignore. Remember Old Justicar Warrior and how hard it was to race 4 armor a turn. Ignoring Mi’da is like that except your opponent is also losing 4 health or stuff on their board and it costs 0 mana instead of 2 mana. Decks that try to win through minion damage such as Face Hunter will have a hard time if they don’t have removal for this and have to try to race or use minion combat. Priest has the tools to outlast and this might just be the push needed to stabilize with enough life to actually play late game instead of just exploding.

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It has only 4 atk power, why should a priest put this card into his deck when he can play a 6-6 taunt element that heal for 8. By turn 6 this card is pure garbage.

If it was a 4 Mana 4-6, yes you can sonsider using it. 6 Mana 4-6, a do nothing card on turn 6, in most case you will die on turn 7. they will just ignore it.

Let be honest, if it was not in the Mini-set, This card is not even worth crafting.

If they cared about what the player base thought of their cards, they would not have released 75% of them lol.

The card is probably trash anyway, it will get devolved and you can’t kill it off yourself as priest.

Value. That’s why. This card creates a never ending investment.

Disagree. This will definitely be a card any value Priest deck will want to run for the same reason Priests run Amulet.


Priest is not a draw machine, this card has no value.

there lies the problem, it´s just almost impossible to win with value since UiS got introduced.
I agree that the card would be insane value vs any class that has no silence/morph, but as is Warlock will probably rise to 80% past miniset release as i really don´t see why the deck would die to anything other than itself with the curse just wrecking it´s main counters. And value will be at the least desirable it ever has been.

Your inability to see how Priest has a decent draw engine that supports this is not proof that they don’t have it.

While Warlock is a problem, as it always has been, Priest reliably beats Ramp Druid and other similar decks(Libram Paladin) via out valuing them.

Do you see people playing Reliquary Prime?
I know it doesn’t fit well into the priest quest. Still, even before quest almost nobody was using it.
This Card Mi’da is not good. I will not use it. I will stick to Lightshower Elemental.

But ok if you want to use it no problem. I may be wrong.

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and i have a Rogue deck that beats ramp druid in value and deletes priest by handing their taunt/life gain back to their hand.
It´s still unplayable as it will just fold to lock.

Yeah. I do.

I’ll be running both.