New priest cards (including a resurrection one!)updated

Voljin is nuts. In any deck, but especially if you’re resummoning high cost minions. It’s essentially a giant minion with charge. Finally priest gets some reach (and had to share it with hunter and dh, I guess? Still unclear on how tourists work).

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Yes, I pointed that out later in the discussion. However, when I made that comment about the DH card disguised, that was before the Voljin reveal. All the self damaging stuff is straight DH cards. Priest might play a few, but no way in heck any Priest player is playing a 1 mana 2/4 deal damage to your hero when it takes damage. No dang way.

I’m glad someone else finally agrees with me on Voljin. It has SO much potential.

So if you play Voljin in your deck, you can add any of the 9 Hunter cards into your deck as well from this expansion. What you can’t add is any of the other expansions and the Hunter Tourist.

So, tomorrow, the Hunter reveals for 9 cards will be potential priest cards (which is fair since we just gave DH like 5 of ours)…I am just hoping that all the Hunter cards aren’t really bad for Priest…like rez a Beast or your hero power does 2 more damage lmfao

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Great to see aggressive cards.

We all know the priest players are the heart of greed. They live and breathe for the return of the old days.

No. The scenario is positioned AFTER my criticism, not nbefore it. I think it is bad even without it (until we see hunter cards that is).

We had similar discussion about MiDa. I was right then, and you still haven’t acknowledged it, even though you promised to do so in the event I was correct with my assesment of the card.

I’ll offer you the same deal as with Mi’Da. We’ll wait a few weeks, then whoever is wrong will acknowledge the other one was right. Though given your track record, this will probably be a one sided deal once again lol.

Dude are you JOKING? I was right and you were wrong. I even called you out on it, the entire community saw it and YOU refused to acknowledge.

Don’t make me embarrass you on here and pull that up again. I was 100% right. Mida saw play tons. It was one of the best cards of that expansion and one of the better legendaries priest has had.

Why would I take you up on the offer again? You lost and you bailed. You never responded. Even the community called you out for your lack of response.

I even went so far as to FRIEND REQUEST YOU. Lmfao

Original thread:

You squirmed around a lot in that thread refusing to come up with a metric. The metric you wanted to use was something that a 5 star card would need as I pointed out. You kept squirming and wouldn’t agree on a stat. Nevertheless, I kept tabs on Mi’da.

I replied back to that thread telling you it was time to admit you were wrong. You refused and gave the excuse it was too early.

Then, almost eerily, VS launched its first report and talked specifically about Mi’da in #222

Mi’da received a lot of criticism before launch, but the legendary is actually pretty good in these decks. Not its fault.

It’s also included in lists. The card is good. The card was good. Players were using it in quest priest.

They even have a deck specifically called Mi’da Priest

Furthermore, ANYONE here who was in that meta can tell you Mi’da was a good card and it saw play despite the fact you acted like it wasn’t and didn’t.

Melphina also posted several times their success with Mi’da. She can even further debunk you here stating that Mi’da was a good card.

So, again, why would I make any bet with you? You said you have never been wrong about a card prediction and you were clearly wrong. You still, to this day, haven’t admitted you were wrong.

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You would only embarass yourself, as my last post in that thread was something like “it is still too early to say, meta hasn’t settled yet”.

According to HS reply, it was in less than 5% decks after the meta settled.

Nope, I have not.

A blatant lie. After my last post in the thread, there are only a few more, and neither was addressed to me.

This is a lie.

Another lie. I said what exactly I consider to be a good card. You just disagreed with me.

So did I. After the meta settled, less than 5% of the decks used it.

Note when was the card released. Note when was my reply posted. It WAS too early. Mi’Da saw play right after release, but people quickly realised it isn;t actually that good, and gradually stopped.

Shifting goal posts. See play, and see play a lot are entirely different things. It was in less than 5% od the decks, after meta settled.

Doesn’t matter a person or more had success with the card. Doesn’t matter it was a good fit in certain deck. It saw little play overall. It wasn’t that good. That was my point from the beginning.

And yet I showed you the vs report showing you that you were wrong.

That’s how class cards work. This wasn’t a neutral.

I provided all the proof. We all experienced the proof. Vs contradicts everything you just said about Mida not being good or seeing play. They even said it outright.

You are demonstrably wrong and you won’t admit it. Mi’da was a good card. End of story.

Voljin is as well.

In less than 5% of priests decks that were played after meta settled. Not all decks in general. My bad for not specifying it, I thought it was obvious.

Not at all. You just conveniently ignore what my conditions for a card to be good are, and substitute your own instead.

A card being good in a specific deck doesn’t make it a good card in general. I even provided the example with Renew, which you conveniently ignored.

THere is nothing ot admit. I am not wrong. Mi’da wasn’t a good card. It was just a good fit in a specific deck. Big difference. End of story.

Nope. You’ll see.

This is why you don’t get a new bet. Everyone who played this game when Mi’da was in standard knew it was good. Even VS outright said it and outright said people who said the card was bad were wrong.

No need to continue further since you’re obviously being dishonest.

I’m glad that I correctly called that Mi’da was going to be annoying once priest found a way to use it well.

It was.

And it’s also a good card.

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Yes sir. We all know that except for Mr I’m never wrong above.