New priest cards (including a resurrection one!)updated

ah, i see boreas updated with the new reveals.
they certainly seem shadowy and almost warlocky.

These are all pretty junk. All of these are really DH cards disguised as Priest cards lol

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Acupuncture is absolutely going to get nerfed, it’s broken in aggro DH and Thrifty Priest.

Brain Masseuse seems bad but maybe it’s ok in aggro.

Hot Coals is fine? Consecrate with conditional better. Probably just DH card.

Sauna Regular is probably good in DH, probably worse in Priest.

Nightshade Tea is fine for a control deck (and goes to show just how busted the mage drink is in comparison)

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priest had cards like this before
psyfiend spawn of shadows and shadowbomber

people must happy shadow priest cards rotated out

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Have you seen the newest priest cards? They literally just said “hey guys, lets reprint soulbound ashtongue with +1 attack and call it a day”


Does every class now have a 3 mana ‘make token decks irrelevant’ spell now?

Printing these board clears like candy just make it so you have to play the boring 40 damage from hand spell decks and I’m sure theres some marginally consistant OTK with acupuncture coming (priest at least has pip)

I wonder if something like brain masseuse will go with some of the hunter cards for a token deck… otherwise it looks like it was designed specifically with DH in mind which makes me like the whole tourist thing less given that it might be completely unplayable in priest.


Why are the 4 demon hunter cards white?


Acupuncture is a 5 star card (because of its use in aggro shadow priest). Otherwise it really depends for the others, but some look pretty bad other than Narian or rest in peace (only if Big priest becomes a thing, such as ress Amanthul and then delete the minion you summoned for opponent + additional minion)

Yeah, except that any deck using that will ALWAYS set it up to do that. You don’t even need to really adjust your deck much.

Make yogg your most expensive minion, followed by Aman’thul. Congrats rest in peace is a late game swing card for 3 mana. Really, if your top end is just yogg Rest in piece are 2 extra yogg copies so long as you draw and play it at some point.

It also pairs pretty stupidly well with puppet theater at times where yogg was your opponent’s big monster.

The card seems generally solid with the tools priest has.

Good point. I wonder what Priest into Hunter will look like if it’s going the route of Big minions, but so far this looks like 1/2 the priest cards are good and slot into already existing decks and the other 1/2 filler garbage.

I honestly don’t think any of these priest cards are any good. This whole set is a hard pass for me. Gorgonzormu on the other hand is great. Ironic that the neutral legendary is the only card I want for a priest deck, but it is what it is I guess.

The tourist should be the 12pm reveal and Hunter cards are still on the table.

The tourist was revealed. Chillin’ Vol’jin a 3 mana 3/3 hunter tourist legendary minion that has battlecry: swap two minion’s stats.

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Love it. Goes well with handling aggro a bit and gives easy access to Hunter without having a huge cost. We needed a good 3 mana drop.

Several uses here.

Use it before attacking with a minion to bring an enemy minion down or use it after to bring your attacking minion health back up.

Pairs well with a lot of stuff. This is likely a card that does better in game than people realize.


The more I think about it the better this card gets.

Assume you are attacking a 3/5 with a 5/4.
You attack and now your 5/4 is a 5/1.
Now you play this and make your 5/4 something like an 8/8. Now you can run a small minion into the 8/1 and kill it.

This is super flexible and sees play.


Twilight medium looks a lot better when you consider this card exists

Common · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Battlecry: Discover 3 cards in your deck to put on top in that order.

I think this neutral is gonna be pretty solid and see play in several decks

You can curve overplanner into Soothfancy too

The tourist legendary is bad. Currently, minions generally don’t last on board for more than 1 turn. Minion on minion combat is a thing of the past.

If the opponent plays a big minion, you need to play a garbage small one first, then you can use this legendary. And who want’s to put small garbage minions into their decks just to use one legendary anyway?

Might be playable depending on hunter cards though.

Nice scenario. Chances it actually happens are close to zero though.

Did you just take my very specific scenario and act as if that is the only time it’s good so as to pass it off as zero % chance the card will be good because it’s not that specific scenario?

The card is not bad at all. It will see play. Like I said above, it’s very much a card that likely looks bad to most players but in reality is very versatile and sees play.

I’ve been playing non-Highlander Control Priest for a week now and this card easily fits inside. It’s very similar to 3 mana cards in the past where people said they were bad and ended up seeing play. Mindflayer Khaarhj comes to mind.

Look at Twilight Acolyte. Saw tons of play. This minion is better than that minion. That minion was extremely conditional, only swapped attacked and only hit 1 minion and itself so you couldn’t get immediate benefit. This has zero conditions and you can use the benefits immediately, hits 2 targets that doesn’t include itself and hits attack and health.

This sees play.

The tourist will most likely see play because the rest of the priest cards seem pretty underwhelming and people will probably want the variety that the hunter cards will offer, although I’ve been rather underwhelmed by most of the class releases so far this expansion so mabye the hunter cards will be equally underwhelming.

So many cards this expansion in multiple classes seem like they should be 1 or 2 mana less… Sensory deprivation should be 5 mana (possibly even 4) twilight probably also 5 mana, even with the highroll mana cheat potential (I think the mage spell cheat card is only 5 mana). Rest in piece could arguably be 1 or 2 mana as well.

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I’d run the tourist no matter what even without Hunter reveals.

However, I agree with you. It feels like Priests really only got 5 cards revealed because the other 5 are really DH in disguise and go with their tourist. So I am really hoping Hunter reveals are good (which is something I thought I’d NEVER say!)

not much proactive in those cards.