I have not played the Classic format, since it was re-introduced, because I imagine it being too “vanilla” and boring to me—having already played so much with Hearthstone’s oldest and largest card set.
No, Classic does get new cards, and I Imagine the same kind of decks that dominated in 2014, still perform best now: Combo Druid, Miracle Rogue, Zoolock, Handlock, Aggro Paladin, Face Hunter, Freeze Mage, and some midrange decks.
I would not recommend Classic for a new player, since it’s a large set (240 cards) to collect, and I would image the format gets boring pretty quickly without an influx of new cards to spice things up.
Standard is probably the most accessible constructed format (although a case could be made for Duels). New players, who do not want to spend much or no money at all, can work towards building the cheapest effective deck in the format, which is usually some kind of fast aggro deck—it’s currently Aggro Druid.
Wild is the Wild Wild West with the least balance and most broken shenanigans.
I personally do not spend much time playing constructed modes these days, since it contains so much:
I mostly play Arena (but the current Meta is not much fun), and a blend of Tavern Brawls (if its a fun one for the week) and casual Battlegrounds (with only two heroes to choose from).