New Paladin Legendary Minion: Sir Finley of the Sands

such a sad Murloc card…

Play this - immediately queue into bomb warrior. No thanks

Underbelly Angler

Murlock deck is going to have duplicates most likely, rendering him a 2/3 murlock. Not really going to have an effect on gameplay, there’s no way to reliably generate it and trigger the battlecry

How do you know if you’re TL3 ?

Guess that means I ain’t TL3 since I can’t post pic

Do you guys think this should be a neutral legendary? I just think the effect is neutral enough for all classes to take advantage and even promote highlander decks across all classes.

You need to read a HELL of a lot more posts first. 20k is when you are eligible, and you are not even at 10k yet.

Your current TL is 2.

E: for finding your TL, go to your profile page and add .json to the end of the url, then look for the HIGHEST TL posted, not necessarily the FIRST TL posted.

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Someone copy or bookmark this ^^^^

People ask a lot and I always forget. Also, I think you have to be on summary, correct?

LOL I am gonna start a thread entitled “finding your trust level” soon™

at least then it will be easily searchable for those who know it can be done, but cant remember how its done.

Doesnt matter. tap/click your avatar, add .json to the end of the URL, and your good to go.

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Do it

To add to this, once you get to your .json page:
Search for “posts_read_count”

thanks, I will be sure to include this in the thread I make.

IDK why, but my .json page shows significantly differently to when i search for others, which makes the whole ordeal much easier for me.

E: figured it out, using you as my guinea pig :wink: thanks.

Much simpler way that only shows 1 TL, not up to 4 will be in my thread.

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You are correct! I should have referred to the guide (New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features) to refresh myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

I recall now that I was confused by my “Posts Read” count a few months ago, and still am. I am certain I had read more than 20,000 some time ago, and definitely have by now; it is my belief that the counter is somehow bugged or may not properly increment with a slow Internet connection like my own.

Evidently, Trust Level is a rather imperfect system: after all, you should have achieved TL3 a long time ago! Hopefully you will get there sooner rather than later. :smiley:

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Do we know what the “upgraded hero power” will be?

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Summon 2 1/1
Equip a 2/2 weapon
Deal 2 damage
Deal 3 damage to enemy hero
Heal 4
Gain 4 armor
Gain 2 attack and 2 armor
Draw a card
Summon a totem of your choice

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that is more than sad ;(