This reeks of Mindflayer Kaarj. Worrying how much tempo can be crammed into this.
Just thought of an enraged combo for him on 9 and 10.
Even if only 1 Kor survives hit face+kel+plague(kor resummons)+face again
This will be a priest card only unless the new classes get removal that work well with this card.
You really only need to kill one mid-sized minion for KT to be decent. You donât need to combo him with a massive board clear (though that is sort of his high end for impact).
So, there are quite a few classes that could make pretty good use of him. Priest certainly, but also Mage, Shaman, Warlock and Warrior all have good AoEs and or cheap single target removals that would combo well with KT. Maybe Rogue as well, but they probably need to focus a bit on removal spells to make that work.
It also depends a bit on what sort of minions your typical opponent will be running. In some cases, like Sethekk Veilweaver, for example, even being able to grab a fairly small minion could give a decent payoff if you have a reasonable number of spells in your deck that can combo with it.
Some of the other classes may struggle a bit more to find a use for him. Paladin, for example, has almost no spell-based removal, so wouldnât really want to run him.
Conjurerâs calling + Kel thuzad sounds pretty nice. I could also see fire ball + Kel thuzad being decent but it would require a fair amount of setup considering the minions alive at turn 10 minimum.
If Khadâgar plus Conjurerâs calling isnât really run, then neither will that combo with KT.
Again, people are overestimating this card.
Yeah, i was thinking that it could be used as a kind of poorâs men khadgar which keeps a single minion. You could also use it along with Rolling Fireball. But really, i canât see it being very consistent with mage. Will be an absolute pain with priests tho.
This is not 5/5 (still 4.5/5, and tier 1 potential), for one reason - we need to combo this, it may cost 5, but itâs a mid-late card. On turn 6-8 -
Vs aggro - dead drop, face dmg continues, gg. No time to play this, really. If yoy made to t8, you probably winning.
Vs tempo - you get one minion, but probably an important one - eviscerate, sw:death, portal, etc.
Vs combo / control - maybe get a minion. Preferably wait then to unleash some of those.
At 9+ - priest can shadow word ruin, rogue spell-kel-removal, mage and shaman have 3-minion removals (see new mage card). Plus, you canât (any) plague or brawl with it, it needs to survive.
I give it a high craft priority, and some optimism, but ainât jumping the wagon of âthis is bah-rokenâ.
There is also the density of possible combos to consider. Khadgar on his own plus CC is only a single option in a deck. As is KT on his own plus CC. But if you have both Khadgar and KT, then there are more possible combinations, which increases the consistency with which at least one will be available. Combine that with other potential synergies for both minions, and it becomes more consistent rather than just occasional high rolls.
Turn 5: [Headmaster KelâThuzad], [Power Word: Shield]
Turn 6: [Embalming Ritual], [Grave Rune] ⌠one mana remains
Turn 7: [Psyche Split] ⌠two mana remains
Turn 8: [Archmage Vargoth], [Shadow Word: Ruin]
Priests: Kel + shadow word: ruin
Everyone else: so now theyâre resurrecting my minions? Nerf Kel to 5 attack!
Itâs coming.
Hmm this card i am not sure about,the effect is strong obviously but the card itself not so much probably. This+SWD on a big minion is good off course,7 mana play.
This with SWP on a small minion probably not so good. Kabal does kinda similar for 1 card and 1 mana less. I think this card needs way to specific conditions to be good to see play. Maybe if it was taunt so that it wouldnt be horrible to play naked against agro. A priest card,maybe warrior but probably not.
Anyway:nice to finally see some cards!. This one is interesting and there is a few combos that are good though i dont think this will see much play.
And there goes your spellburst, as i understand the mechanic.
Thatâs from âAs good as it getsâ with Jack Nicholson!
Not a fan of the art.
Could see this being tried in a tempo / swarm priest deck with the new 1/4 and some Holy Smites.
What kind of abuse do student go through with a Headmaster such as KelâThuzad?
Indeed and Psyche Split copies ALL status, ownership too, so no spellburst.
Can be run in Warlock too, Warlock is the only class atm that doesnât mind having dead cards in its hand, unlike Priest.
[Psyche Split] causes a second copy of KT, and both have 5 attack. When [Shadow Word: Ruin] destroys them four summon because of [Grave Rune]; their text renewed. We will have to see whether this will triggers their spellburst to summon two more. I am guessing that, if it does, that will be the first thing to get nerfed. Maybe before release.
I donât see how it could, since the spell that destroys a minion (Ruin) is cast before the resurrected KelâThuzads are on board.