New Neutral Legendary: Headmaster Kel-Thuzad

5 mana 4/6
Spellburst: if the spell destroys any minions, summon them.

This has a lot of potential in classes like Priest and Warlock. Heavy on the hard removal and cheap enough to combo. Someone is going to find a way to exploit this.


Great. This is gold with Twisting Nether or Plague of Flame, time for rez Warlock :grinning:

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This thing is going to be a problem. Mark my words.

It’s 5 mana, so I don’t see how Twisting Nether is gonna do anything. Plus you’re killing off your KT, which I would guess negates the effect to begin with. Plague of Flames also kills your KT, so that wouldn’t work either.



Spellburst makes it harder to be abused. I’m glad Blizzard is experimenting with limited effects. I think this is pretty neat. If I get it I might put it in my Shaman. Combos well with Hagatha’s Scheme late game. Or that deal 8 damage for 1 cost I can’t think of the name spell.

KT Hagatha Scheme for 5 for Resurrect Shaman or if it still works if the spell kills of KT you have your big board clear 10 mana combo. Compared to Warlock Plague that could just bring back your crappy tokens instead of thier stuff.

This card goes in junction with self minion destruction, like Cubelock where you can resurrect your own minion for an extra Deathrattle Charge, or with Big Shaman who can kill their own minion and resummon it using that one card. These are the type of decks where this card will shine, and Wild has seen its share of them for quite some time.

It’s harder to proc using expensive board clears, but small ones like defile and hellfire definitely can bring tokens back to your side for relative ease.

This minion is likely to trigger after the spell, not whenever. Plague of Flames will kill your KT, negating the potential for this card to be abused through that manner.

This is more 6 mana, destroy a friendly minion, heal for 4 and get it back.

Edit: posted comment was edited.


So now not only can priest steal my minions, it can also instantly rez them too. “BrIlLiAnT”…

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This is generally much stronger with one-sided board clears.

Or a Galakrond Priest who discounts this and Soul Mirror with Fate Weaver could make a really strong 10-mana play.

Malygos’ Flamestrike would also be really strong, but there would need to be a discount somewhere, or Kel’Thuzad would need to survive a turn.

In a world filled with hatred of Priests, and just when you thought cards could not be more OP.


Turn 7 ( or even 5 / 6 discountet) with Priest playing this and destroying a big minion with Shadow Word Death will probably be already enough tempo to create pressure. Probably the best early combo.

Against bigger boards with smaler minions also nice with Breath of the infinite.


Shaman with Torrent may be even better. But Priest is definitely up there.

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That will also be a nasty combo. I can hear already the screams of people in the Forums :smiley:

Damn my Rogue needs to be content with a Backstab combo ^^

But wait. do i see some little hope for Betrayal with this?

Wouldbetryaal even work with this? Since not the spell kills minions, it forces minions to kill minions?

Or Backstab > Kel > Eviscerate.

Or Betrayal is good too.

Quest Burgle Rogue could even use Blade Flurry against a wide board of small minions if you had the quest reward dagger already up.

Would that work though? Or would Soul Mirror whiff since technically the spell doesn’t kill a minion?


Arghh…Urghh…Eekkkk…Ahhh… Ribbit…

IF the spell go boom me still go face…with your minions.

This card is busted 5/5 stars for sure.

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Oh wait i found something.

This + Vendetta on turn 5 :slight_smile:

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