Makes sense. Well, looks like I’ll be cubing this guy for sure.
It should also be noted that he is purposefully a 4/6 so that him + Shadow Word Ruin will be a disgusting combo.
Makes sense. Well, looks like I’ll be cubing this guy for sure.
It should also be noted that he is purposefully a 4/6 so that him + Shadow Word Ruin will be a disgusting combo.
I hadn’t thought about SW:Ruin.
He could also work really well with Rolling Fireball, but that would need a bit of set-up or pre-trading to make it work.
If it really is just Raw Spells rather than “Destroy” effects that triggers it I think the card is going to get obiliterated with Nerfs.
5 Star Power
Well this fits really well into a Druid deck running Naturalize.
Let’s also talk about this bad boy getting a reborn on him.
And this is just off the top of my head. With a little playing around I’m sure I can find a broken chain of spells that makes this guy busted.
EDIT: How would this work for Corruption? That’s an interesting interaction I’d like to see.
Warriors running shield slam will def be a problem as well.
I am looking forward to the order fails when people try to do a wombo combo with multiple spells and realize they burned the Spellburst on spell that didn’t kill anything expecting a full board with the last spell in the combo.
That’s only something that will happen with amateur players at first, I’m sure. Veterans to the game won’t be making that mistake when theorycrafting.
I can’t decide to give this a -1 or +1 for no Mr. Bigglesworth. Should we want the cat in the art, or does this give better odds for the cat having its own card?
It’s only a matter of time before the cat gets its own card.
KT plus Conjurer’s Calling on a friendly minion could offer some interesting possibilities too. Like Conjurer’s Calling a Kalec that survived a turn, or a fully discounted Mana Giant…
I’m pretty sure I’m not going to open this card. Am waiting to see what’s the most underwhelming legendary and how to make it work cos that’s what I’m getting. My prediction based on historical trends.
Using this on a KD
super health refill
I actually think a few of you might be overrating this card a little. It’s certainly a strong effect and I’m sure people will find a way to abuse it. It seems to me that the effect will be inconsistent, let’s say that you as a Priest starting running SW:R just to make use of the effect. Then you need to draw both cards and then have a board that can actually take advantage of the effect. And sure it’s strong when it works, and sometimes it will just win you the game… but other times it may end up being rather mediocre.
I could be wrong, but my prediction is that the effect will be inconsistent enough that it the card won’t be too overbearing - powerful when it works, when it actually works.
Obviously we’ll see in a fortnight, but I’ve made my prediction.
Another idea:
With the Libram discounts, Paladin could do Libram of Justice > KT > Consecration to steal the enemy board.
But since there’s not much else they can do without combos, it might not be worth running for them.
Priest would have trouble making solid value trades with it other than breath, should just stick with POD and soul mirror.
Freeze mage could use him+nova to set something up.
Warlock using Mo’arg for big damage.
He could find ways into some decks.
I’m confident he will, but some people are acting like this card will broken OP, and I don’t think this is right.
The problem with this card is its potential clunkiness, as you’re probably going to use your removal on sight when presented with a threat significant enough, and you’re not going to waste your removal on “medium” minions just to get the combo.
The actual situations when you have the cards (legend + removal), enough mana, a threat that is worth using removal on, may be few and far between, and in the end, you may want to use a slot in your deck for an actually impactful card instead of one that will sit in your hand a lot of the time.
But, yeah, it will have to be tested, time will tell
Edit: However, and assuming KT has to survive to get the spellburst effect, I call it now, there is going to get someone royally screwed on Trolden by this card + Brawl.
While I agree that Priest may have a hard time setting up the dream of Kel + Board Clear, Priest has a lot of tools that will all play nice with Kel, SW Pain, Death & Ruin, Smite, Penance, Breath & Nova and finally Time Rip & Forbidden Words. (you probably won’t run all of that removal in one deck, but you have a ton of flexibility)
Further you could tailor your Spellburst Combo to the matchup, Breath / Nova to clear a token(ish) board and build an instant board, alternately kill one big threat and summon it on your side of the board + get a “free” 4/6 for less manna than Mind Control.
It will be strong when it works, no one, I hope, I saying otherwise. The question is, will it be reliable enough to make the cut into say Galakrond Priest.
Fortunately we’ll see very soon.
The cat is referenced in the flavor text, which you can now see in the card library since they’ve added KT:
“You wish to know my secrets, hmm? I carry a little bits of tuna in the sleeves of my robe, he loves that. Oh, you meant the risen dead? That was trivial, trivial.”
This is a win more card, and too slow and situational. Won’t be played.