That’s an interesting question. I guess it depends on how it was coded.
The same would apply to Mass Hysteria likely.
That’s an interesting question. I guess it depends on how it was coded.
The same would apply to Mass Hysteria likely.
Bonus Question:
KT on Jaxx using SacPac >> outcome?
You’re probably still dead, but maybe you get to see Jaxx spawn as a minion before your hero explodes?
Now that it’s been brought up, Betrayal might not work either. I’m guessing since it works with poisonous minions, the game would consider the minion killing the neighbors not the spell itself.
“If the spell destroys any minions…”
LJ is no longer a minion in that context.
Bonus Question2:
If i shuffle 3 copys of Kel into my Deck via Shadow of Death but already used Spellburst on the first Kel.
Do the other Kel´s are also without the Effect or do they have ther own effect?
Wonder how this works with secrets or multi turn effects like corruption. Does the spellburst effect follow the spell?
Would this combo with Yogg Box?
Does the box cast the spells or are the spells individually casted?
If the box casts then Kel should burst with everything it fires out?
All effects are reinstated when a minion is rezzed, or shuffled into hand/deck. Even if you Shadowstep a Kel w/o Spellburst, it would have the effect when played again.
it wont work if kelthu doesnt survive
ah right what works with shadowstep should also work with the shuffle.
Destroy =/= Kill with damage like Moonfire, right?
Would require some set up, but warrior playing this and plague of wrath on 10 could be GG.
As far as I know, Spellburst is when you cast the first spell on your turn (this also includes the coin). Secrets probably won’t interact with this card.
I’m guessing if the minion was at 1 health and you used a Moonfire to kill it, that you’d summon it with Headmaster KT. That’s probably not a scenario we’ll see often, but basically if the spell kills the minion when the Spellburst triggers, which is thankfully only once, you get a copy of it summoned for you.
It’s what I was thinking too. Taken literally, I don’t think Soul Mirror (or Mass Hysteria, or Ramming Speed) would trigger a summon, since the spells themselves aren’t destroying the minions.
I guess we’ll find out soon enough.
Great…this with Plague of Flame will be disgusting (assuming this still goes off)
Even this with small spell destroy like SWD will be sick.
And I’m still banking on a minion that allows your spellbursts to go off twice.
It won’t work with Plague of Flames, because Kel will be dead too.
Shouldn’t because he will die. The only reason the brawl in the video work was because he was the winner.
This card is going to make any class with hard removal spells that can survive late into the game harder to deal with. This card seems particularly strong in Priest and Warlock, but could also fit nicely into Warrior, Mage and Shaman. The tempo swing potential of this card is quite high in some instances. Regis pointed out the 9 mana play of this and Shadow Word Ruin, which could remove a few large threats from your opponent and give them to you. Even using this with a Shadow Word Death for 7 mana seems like a massive tempo swing. It’s not as strong as something like DQA, but the fact that you can play it out far earlier if need be makes me think this card will be an added win condition for Control decks and possibly Highlander decks as well.