But those big decks also lost to aggro
If Mage just gets to auto beat them as well there’s no point to them existing, which is a shame because big demon DH was something I was looking forward too
I don’t know where that narrative keeps coming from. Control Rez Priest doesn’t lose to aggro. In fact, I’ve got like a 80% win ratio vs taunt druid/hunter and other aggro variants.
Well, deathrattle res priest is a consideration to make this card a lot better as it seems to be rising in play recently.
and that’s the reasons why playing against solitaire mage is horrible
the game is decided by the cards that the mage will draw, rather than on the ones you draw
Unlike Mage thats made of paper Priest( another class i main) has little issues with those.
Devolving will be rotating after this next expansion though, so once that happens it might be considered. That’s of course assuming that the meta changes from what we have currently.
i only just noticed the text says all minions
Cool that’s a CONTROL deck. Not a BIG deck, there is a difference.
Sheeps for everyone even the Mage its just like the old potion Mystic Wool.
this might need to be played with care lol.
Remember how everyone hated Quest Mage because it was an auto loss unless you killed mage by turn 8?
Well let’s replace that with a Mage deck which is an auto loss unless you kill them by turn 8. Great progress here guys, high fives all around.
When will the expansion release, Sgt? Any idea?
Hearthstone’s Fractured in Alterac Valley officially releases globally on Dec. 7 .
Dev 7 ain’t it? Or is it 6th?
Really? You’re going to give up because of an expensive counter card in ONE class? I am disappoint.
Mage and Warlock are already the reasons why Priest can’t win games, it’s only going to get worse if they get even stronger/more popular.
No, I’ll still play with Priest, but it’s looking more and more like Rogue might be the way to go.
Keep in mind this is not a counter card in one class. Rogue very often gets Mage spells through Wand Thief. And this card alone pretty much counters most of the Priest Hero. With Mage having access to this and devolving missiles, it’s really going to make Mage a polarizing matchup.
Priest really suffers from massive polarized matchups. Warlock and Mage having an 80% win rate vs Priest does not bode well.
I’ll definitely be giving it a shot, but it’s very likely that Priest won’t be able to compete unless they have some sort of way to counter their polarized matchups.
I think the best time to play this is when priest ressurects all his minions with xyerella and you just say,
No you dont have fun rezzing sheep for the rest of the game D.
She doesn’t resurrect though, she just triggers deathrattles that have died. If mage prevents you from having deathrattles die, she does nothing.
If your Rogue opponent’s only out is one specific spell off Wand Thief, I like your odds. Scabbs Vanishing your board is probably the more likely thing you’ll need to account for.
It’s SEVEN mana. Did we forget fundamentals? Play one large threat at a time. If they use it on a N’zoth or Amulet board, play buffs after and beat them to death with your sheep army.
The Hero Power from Xyrella is probably more relevant than the battlecry in a mage matchup where you’re afraid of Mass Polymorph.