well i think if mage could never do things with malygos it can’t use this guy either. With flamewaker being one of my favorite cards ever i was happy to see the effect at first but i can’t think any use of it. Not even in arena.
Btw comparing a good card to an unplayble card isn’t proof that the good card is busted.
Mage can generate 20 spells at 0 cost… so yeah I can see this card used as a finisher
The forums are drying up of posters and T5 has less to reference for ideas. >>> thats one reason
Thats a lie theres has only been 4 mini sets so far.
Galakronds Awakening was an ADVENTURE…
Are we going to pull all those cards in the mix now???
Please do remind me how much time Paladin lived rent free on high tiers this past years compared to Mage.
This thing in ramp druid. Summoned off cenarian ward. Oh i have some mana left over because i have 16 mana and ward cost 8. Lets drop some amulets, bloom, studies and see what happens
I think that’s just being pedantic (I know that’s rich coming from me)
Adventure or miniset, it’s still a bunch of new cards released in between expansions.
It’s obvious he wasn’t talking about meta viability, but the interesting toys (legendaries) the class has gotten.
Mage is the spoiled rich kid whose parents keep showering him with expensive toys. The toys are expensive but kinda tacky and lame, and mage being rich doesn’t mean they do well in school (meta viable), but it remains true that mages are spoiled with these toys.
Paladin is the square kid who doesn’t get many interesting toys, but paladin does very well in school (the meta) because they stick to tried and true fundamentals. Curving out, dumping stats, not relying on janky cheats or fancy spells or RNG…
That is a very good DRUID card. ^^
‘’ not relying on janky cheats or fancy spells or RNG…’’
ah yes mage is spoiled pala is not…
let us see… oh prismatic lens would like to have a talk with you in terms of cheating out mana or worse… minions in this case…
oh w8,…there are librams… the typical buff and healing coming from 2 most nasty cards ever seen play in standard oh hey you cant kill these minions? no problem lets give you a weapon to put their hp back to 1 and voila! easy. talk about being spoiled with good cards…and they are just a few to mention.
as far as i have noticed paladin has been spoiled to the point where it can hit up into a proper position… perhaps tier 1 and its left untouched and thats more good then i could say for the mage… now if the mage hits tier 1 it gets nerfed a week after so who is actually spoiled here? xD
secondly, if we speak of being spoiled i mean getting cards is 1 thing but getting a rediculous deck out of it especially 1 in favor of the priest (uldum i see you) just shows who is more spoiled in getting cards that are good (and not just cards) .
i mean you can give the mage a ton of cards with awesome names and certain effects but what use does it have for the mage when the cards are not even that good let alone mediocre at best compared to certain cards the paladin is getting that is more impactful and actually better?
but no guyz mage is spoiled… despite the paladin having cards that would or could be potential or are literal game enders or deciders. Lmfao.
I figured mage would get a dragon legendary when they announced the mini-set, and I gotta say, I am pretty disappointed. Maybe they will add more support cards in the future so I will hope for that.
You cant blame them, some Paladin players at this point if they dont get at least a tier 2 deck its world ending and the whine flood gates open.
Some other classes can hardly claw to tier 3 but thats fine.
This all came to be because in the past Paladin had the worst classic set by far and the devs had to always give strong cards to the class for it to be playable.
Problem is they went overboard and Paladin in the past few years spends its time on mount olympus and God forbid you bring that up…
oh but atleast enough players with guts that will bring it up since it was or perhaps still is problematic and now its the druid being by far more problematic then ever when facing them.
It’s true though. Mana cheats and fancy gimmicks are EXCEPTIONS for paladins, but the rule for mages.
Pris lens? That’s basically the Balinda before Balinda. Balinda sucks you might say? Exactly. Pris lens wasn’t that good either, working in specific niche decks.
Are a drop in the bucket compared to the mana cheating or jank other classes (not just mages) can pull off.
The most spammable libram is libram of wisdom, and… that’s it. Don’t confuse quantity with quality. A paladin might spam wisdom a billion times all game and get a bunch back from liadrin… but they STILL haven’t killed somebody because minions die, get frozen, blocked by taunts, etc. And note that for all that spamming, each casting just gives them +1/+1. When other classes cheat mana, they dont’ play as many cards in total per say, because they don’t have to. One cast from a mozaki mage might be doing 8 or 10 damage. Druid plays two cards and gets two 8 drops and 16 armor, or they play a 1 drop resizing pouch to discover a y’shaarj which gives them +20 hero attack + 30 armor because of all those moontouched amulets they casted before (and a 10/10). Fel DH, bolner shaman, garrote or poison rogue can build nutty big turns, to the point of OTK.
But yeah, oh those paladins with their librams are such cheaters lol
Nice try, but I was talking about fancy cards, not “good” cards. Everybody gets good cards.
So:? Being tier 1 doesn’t not mean overpowered. A deck can be just good. Paladins are often tier 1 because, like I said, they stick to fundamentals of HS.
Paladin’s the studious kid who worked hard in school, got a useful degree, got a respectable good paying job job, lived within budget, didn’t get into the wrong crowd, etc. Now he’s making 6 figures with a loving family a paid of house and car, etc. But paladins don’t get nerfed the same way you don’t jail this hard working guy for daring to be successful in life by living properly.
Contrast this to mages. Mages are the ones who slacked in school, got a useless degree, and only managed to get dead end jobs most of the time. They live from paycheck to paycheck, and when one of them catches a break, it’s short lived because they’re either just lucky like winning the lottery, in which case they blow through their funds quickly, or they only got rich through less honorable means and are quickly caught (nerfed)
But you go on and keep thinking the studious kid is the spoiled one. LMFAO indeed.
well there is a reason as to why certain cards work in certain specific decks.
3 librams if not 4 are used in libram pala and you say its a drop in the bucket when consider stats and buffs are a common thing with paladins and warriors? now if you consider druid being an issue on this part then i say i agree but the mage wont probably even get that close when in comparison with the druid let alone the fact that paladin and warrior have their own nasty ways of getting to take a swing or potentially kill the mage without much or any problem at all.
OTK deck… i dont even play it.
nice try but thats not totally true as not all cards are good or great but rather meme or trash.
lmao no. it practically means paladins are favored to be tier 1 and when a mage reach it 1 time it gets a nerf. cold hard fact.
this sounds like a pala fanboy.
spoken like a true pala fanboy it seems… as if every paladin by your lore works hard just as every mage by your lore is a slacker… it is usually the other way round. nice try, nice story would have loved to listen but ya lost me when you compare your lore on a card game in wich you know you lie just because you are a fan of the paladin.
‘‘no we are the honorable fella’s guyz!’’ ‘‘continues to cheat on with stats and minions and mana for that matter’’ so much for being honorable. meanwhile the mage has to pray the RNG is not a huge downside else you be carried by the RNG gods faster then superman would save Lois Lane. LMFAO indeed.
you can go now servant of the holy light or be polymorphed and live your life as a common sheep if you aren’t one already LOL.
And it certainly is when compared to other classes. Again, quantity vs quality. A paladin has to spam those 3 or 4 cards a billion times to beat what other classes can cheat out in a lot fewer.
No, cheating is pretty much the mage class identity. Their spells start off seemingly bad (e.g 2 mana 2 damage whereas locks and priest can deal for 3 damage base), but mage cheats something to make them do more.
Think stormwind quest mage giving permenant +2 spell damage
Think anything form the old sorc apprentice to incanters to mana siphon discounting stuff
Think waygate quest where mage cheats a whole turn for themselves, usually to pull off an class anty fireball combo, which in itself is a mana cheat
Think ice blood tower or yogg box or rune of archmage that casts extra spells for the mana cost
Here we have “firewalker with a dragon tag”, as in you get extra damage from casting spells… any spell
The last bit “any spell” is important. Yeah so paladins use 3 or 4 librams a lot. Well, ANY and EVERY spell in mage could be cheated. That alone means mage cheats way more. And they kinda have to. Mage crumbles pretty fast if they can’t get to their cheats. Paladins actually could do fine without cheats, as evident that librams weren’t always at thing, but paladins were still good for a lot of the time anyway
And I don’t play libram paladin. Doesn’t change the fact that a paladin could spam librams until he’s fatigue and still not able to kill an opponent. Whereas another class could just do cheats for like one or two turns, but it’s a OTK. Quantity vs quality.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
No it isn’t.
Insults and personal attacks are not sound arguments.
I play every class. I don’t believe in “mains”. Methinks you’re projecting your own bias for mage onto others.
This card is far to slow to ever see much play. It will be removed immediately so you won’t get much, if any benefit from it the next turn. It may only be good if you get it for lower mana with Lady Prestor.
only a straight up fan boy would call 1 quality and the other quantity… its a typical behaviour in alot of games.
i dont know about you but some spells are bad because of RNG. and i did not even start about the infamous yogg-saron preferring to help the opponent by killing yourself because the typical RNG is always focused on self targeting as if its made that way… patheticly sad but i guess its just another way of saying screw mage victory for the rest.
a quest is not always a cheat else the paladin is pretty much a cheat with its quest giving its hero power and others the +2/+2 buff wich is alot. yogg box is not a cheat, it is more double edged then a cheat so no. but if you call all of that a cheat then by definition every class is a cheater and there is no debating this. yes even paladin.
wether fatique or not it only happens if 1. the mage has a good draw RNG based as usuall because the paladin can beat the mage.
and 2. it happens pretty often that the paladin has more and far better card draw and better outcomes then a mage.
no just no.
it is.
me thinks you kinda lie. as i said dont be the sheep or il poly you into one.
if jelous you may have this one
I managed to beat a druid with a haleh otk deck yesterday ( i think i got really lucky) but i think the card is garbage in a meta that was supposed to be about getting away from spell decks and otk.
Just another example of mage being handed garbo in its legends card.
I will go so far to say that all of the mage cards this mini set are trash that do nothing for mages as they currently exist.
about the discusion about which types of kids fit mage and pally, that’s an intresting one.
so here’s what happens to mage. It’s a unique class that is suposed to do specific things very well and have a unique play style. when people make cards for mage, they gotta take that into considaration and make things that fit the class. Though for a while now when they make cards for mage they are more conerned that people won’t complain about it than letting the class do it’s thing. So they end up filling the class with flashy garbage. Like, all the time when i see new mage cards im like “why doesn’t it cost less/why does it require so much/why isnt this better-simpler”
So with the kids analogy imagine a kid with unique abilities and interests but it’s parents not wanting it’s friends to be jelous so they break their toys before they give them to the kid. funny part is other kids still complaining about these toys even if broken
its been this way for several years now. If mage were able to use the Kaz card? it would have been hotfixed immediately.
if i hadn´t dusted it i would probably be playing quest/kazakus mage right now, it should be well suited for this meta.