New mage legendary - Flamewaker with a dragon tag

This card just shows how busted flamewaker is.
It’s not bad, but I don’t see a real purpose for it:

  1. there isn’t a small spell archetype
  2. it doesn’t support big spell mage
  3. if it comes out from the 10 mana spell, it doesn’t do anything immediate

There may be some combo potential if you keep in your hand mana biscuit, but other than that I am not looking forward to build a deck around it


Lore bits:

She‘s the last consort of Malygos, Aspect of Magic (who deceased in Wrath of the Lichking expansion) and now Matron of the Blue Dragonflight. Can be found in Winterspring in the form of a female High Elf.

Doesn‘t look THAT great of a card for now.

P.S. here‘s the reveal video from Jia:

It says ‘after’, so if the 10 mana spell summons it, it should activate (assuming you actually cast Drakefire Amulet yourself, not off Courier or Iceblood Tower).

No different than getting Wild Pyromancer off Resurrect, unless something has changed.

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me druid will be love this when summon as random whit 20mana crystal :slight_smile: 5/5 stair ^^


The opponent needs to clear this minion asap. Left for a turn, Mage can go off with cheap spells.


What an absolutely horrible and useless card. But i guess that was to be expected so i am not even disapointed anymore.

This is so bad,its beyond bad unless there will be some mechanic to cheat this out leaving you with full mana to play spells.


It looks like a Mage card but in reality, at least before rotation, this is a Druid card.


Could be thrown in mozaki mage as an alternate win conditions especially if two incantets get played before this


the cost is too high to be even considered in any potential deck whatsoever so its mana cost has to be reduced else its just another useless card for the mage.


This should be more along the line of 6 mana, I think.

I agree, a 5/5 druid card xdddddddddddd


This Ability can go Face. Thats all we need to say about this card. People that are Poo Pooing this card have not read it correctly. I repeat IT’S ABILITY CAN GO FACE.

Once incanters flow rotates you have 2 mana left to do what? Zero chance this will ever survive a round, if it does you would have won anyway!

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they poo poo it because of the huge amount of mana cost being the reason as to why it probably wont see any play at all in any mage decks in standard.

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This seems to have been printed for wild. May get future support so I won’t be hasty with my judgement. Probably a golden craft for me.

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The only way I see any mage deck playing this card is off of the dragon amulet. Its definitly a decent amount of stats. The problem with that is everything in that deck is a big spell, so its effect is almost useless with it.

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The card itself seems fine to me. Though I don’t see it being played in anything other than an OTK style deck which is a little disappointing. It’s expensive, but there have been plenty of games where this would have killed me just as easily as Mozaki.

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So this is a legendary effect huh? An efect we’ve literally already seen for 7 years or so.

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This is the third Legendary Mage has gotten from a Mini-Set.
Paladin has gotten zero.

No bias or anything here though, right guys :slight_smile:


I trade ALL of they for ring of the courage.

Nice deal for paladins right?