New mage legendary - Flamewaker with a dragon tag

Make Ring of Courage cost 10 so Paladins can join the mage party.

Pretty underwhelming card for all the 10-10-10 cost cards mage is being given. Just about useless in combination with those.

Mozaki mage doesn’t need it.

I see this more often being used by other classes like druid and priest -against- mages, as the damage will likely all go face and they have plenty of cheap spells.

Congrats mages.

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Ring of Courage is literally only good on Samuro, kek


Using what’s known in standard, I think these are the spells that work with it. Note of course working with something doesn’t mean the resulting combo is meta.

-mana discuit seems to be the most obvious. Could be used on 10 to have 8 damage with 2 mana extra. Alternatively you cast biscuit beforehand then hold onto the 0 mana spell
(for super meme play, run mailbox dancer and save that coin)

-first/second flame if you’re running them as early removal, they become useful even in late game

-hotstreak (into say ignite)
-shooting star, in a vacuum. By that I mean in practice you probably would rather run something else

Siphon mana would be more complicated long term play, as you have to first honorable kill with it, and then save the discounted spells until turn 8+

Flurry and brain freeze may or may not be good, as you could ping the thing you just froze to death, wasting the freeze. On the other hand, that freeze could mean they can’t kill your dragon, so you secure your next turn to ping them to death with a full mana bar.

And here’s my super meme idea, so meme I probably won’t try it: shadow hunter vol’jin. Maybe go quest mage except you run 3 minions (voljin, dragon, desk imp or murloc tinyfin). Draw/finish quest like mad. If you win with quest, great. If not, well eventually you’ll draw the 3 minions, then you jank out the dragon for 5 mana, spend the other 5 mana on spells that are both boosted by quest and now they do a bunch of extra pings to boot


I’ll design one for you that fits with current paladin:

Libram of Libramy Librams
8 mana
For each libram you’ve libramed this game libram a libram libramly. Libram. Libram libram libram.

It perfectly fits with what paladin has been doing the last almost 2 years.


Cards stopped triggering of of cards that summon them a long while back.

Pyromancer used to trigger when spells summoned him, but now cards have to be on board when the spell is cast in order to count them for an effect proc.

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This looks like just a fun card, it isn’t garbage card, but too weak to put it in any playable mage deck.

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Nice alternative to the pool for the 10 manas spell, this is the type of card need to be cleared immediately.

The problem is, Ysera is a better card than that and outside of discover or random generated no one play Ysera.

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How utterly disappointing and unimaginative.

They had a chance to make something fun, and instead they fell out of the Creative Tree and missed every branch on the way down.

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I agree with all the rest you said besides this ,if theres a word for that card its just that BAD.
No one in their right mind will play this in standard.

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What the hell are you talking about???
Mage got a dual class card legendary before this:
Legendary · Minion · Madness at the Darkmoon Faire · Battlecry: Discover a Dual Class spell from any class. Spellburst: Get another copy.
Now this Dragon .
Wheres the 3rd???

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It plus Hot Streak plush Fire Safe is a potential board clear, so a potential Flamestrike replacement in a deck. You cleared their board and have a 4/9 on the board.

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This strikes me as a card that’ll work in a dragon midrange spell mage.

Something like:

Quest as a draw engine, kazakusan as a back up win con.

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With her effect, if she survives to be able to attack, Haleh potentially offers 8 damage per turn with only one spell cast (4 each from her attack and her effect). That’s comparable to what one of the 8/8 dragons would do, but she’s a little more difficult to kill via damage.

As others have said, this is probably primarily useful as a summon from Drakefire Amulet, though she’s actually a pretty good addition to the pool there. For example, would you rather summon Haleh, or the Core version of Malygos or Ysera?

At least she’s not the worst card Mage is getting this miniset.


To be fair it would take a Wisp level card to top Deep Breath for the title.


The Amazing Reno hero in Galakronds Awakening. You guys may think mage always gets the boot but it’s one of the developers favorite class.


if this is how you treat a class as your favorite then you really must have a very good reason as to why this card has such a high cost… or you really must hate the mage class this badly to do something so terrible.

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Haleh looks pretty fun, but the viability depends on other cards.

It could either be a Mozaki (Deck-build-around) or a Zzeraku (unplayed) depending on the rest of the card pool.

Right now all we have is Siphon Mana, so I assume weak for now.

It looks like a sometimes-game-winning-highroll off Drakefire Amulet, if it lives, or you summon 2 of them.

It’s going to be really fun to get off of Skeletal Dragon as Miracle Priest for 20-40+ damage otk.

Edit: Oh, great DruidsCenarion Ward… Broken… :upside_down_face:

2/5 Star Power, for now
5/5 Star Potential

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Don’t you dare, zzeraku is better than this card: at least it had a new effect and wasn’t released as a weaker card than one we already saw in the past :joy:

I am not familiar with duels treasures (kazakusan ones): i think there was a card that discovers a legendary and fills your board with it.
This combined with the sack of coin would be disgusting, so I hope i made up that treasure


Legendary · Minion · Descent of Dragons · Whenever your hero takes damage, summon a 6/6 Nether Drake.

I think we will get more Mana-Biscuit/Coin stuff in the future. It looks like Halel is supposed to be a more “fair” Mozaki.

Mutanus is 7 though. :open_mouth:

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The Reno Hero Card…?
Galakronds Awakening was the first mini set they made, remember?

Oh, and speaking of Hero Cards, guess how many Paladin got before Cariel? ONE, WITH THE DEATH KNIGHTS.