New Ideas - My First Post

Hi All,

This is one of my first posts on here and I thought now is the time to share what I think and what I believe should be improved. The reason for this post is because I think this game has become stale and there is to much luck involved at present.

My Suggestions would be

1 -Randomness/RNG - I’m sure this is a pet hate for a lot of people where your opponent has many random cards in hand or plays a RNG card and you had no way of playing around anything and they potentially win the game from it. I believe there is a place for it in this game as it can make certain games fun/entertaining, but my suggestion would be to allow us to see all your opponents randomly generated cards that are in their hand. Firstly, to give you a chance to play around them and as they know, you know, what these cards are I believe there will be a more tactical element/skill involved.

2 - ‘Top Decking’ - I’m sure we have all experienced it where your opponent tops decks a lethal when they decided to go all into the previous turn/or have no cards left and you managed to stabilise but to no avail. I would suggest to revamp all spells in the game so ones that do direct face damage say it in their text like mind blast. It seems that to many spells can just to direct face damage.

3 - Charge Minions - I’m sure a few people hate these cards (Leroy for example). I don’t believe they require any thinking/skill to play. Simply play and just go face, on most occasions. I would go as far and say remove this Charge text from the game.

4 - Tournament Play - I use to watch them online years ago where there were alot less cards, less RNG and you would try and figure out what cards your opponent has ect and win based on skill. But now it does gets quite boring, watching people play the same decks against each other over and over again and the commentators trying to be very excited or enthusiastic about what is going on. A idea would be maybe let your opponent chose what classes you are to play with. Or be the first to 5 points, where if you play a meta/tier 1 or 2 deck you get 1 point, but if you decide to play an off meta deck or one of your own creation you get 2.
At the Blizzcon finals to be the first to win with all 9 classes in the match should be deemed the winner.
This does need a change but not sure how to go about it.

5 - Mirror Matches - If its a agro v agro deck the winner will be the one who has the best opening hand and draws after this, that’s it usually. Control mirrors can go on for a LONG time, currently priest v priest can seem to last for a while and I remember years ago with mirror control warrior, where it would be hero power, then pass. Is this fun to watch? Should mirror matches be a thing.

6 - Ramp - Druid ramp can be very powerful if you draw it and when they have 7/8 mana and you have 3 it doesn’t look good. I think it can be too powerful at times, but believe it should stay in the game as its what makes druid unique, but I think a random card from your hand should be discarded if you play a ramp card as a ‘sacrifice’.

I personally have reached legend once, I have never tried since, I always reached rank 5 or currently diamond 5 in both wild and standard and just play very casually after this. It just not fun playing against these ‘hardcore’ and same decks/players over and over again. Its just too random/crazy now to be competitive for me.

I know Blizzard releases 3 expansions a year but I would happily forgo them doing 1 or 2 expansions to just release a huge patch to revamp this game and change many cards, not just 10 or so like they seem to do every few months. I would say hundreds.

This is my opinion, I’m sure many will have a different one.

Hope you are all staying safe.


Ok. But where are the new ideas you promised in subject line?


But most ramp requires you to do nothing for a couple of turns early in the game, which is very bad against aggro. And ramping is useless after turn 10, unless you think drawing a card for 4 mana is worth it.


Yeah, Ramp cards are often just dead after a certain point, which is the sacrifice in game right now. Anyway, on the topic of Charge, I don’t think complaining about it makes any sense. How many cards with that Keyword are even seeing play right now? And it’s already been pretty much entirely phased out of the game.

Seriously. I Kayn’t think of any.


Ok, 1 card with Charge. And the first one printed since The Witchwood.

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Interesting ideas for a custom game mode. Let’s hope that one day they will implement something like this:

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“Hide behind your seriousness, Sarcasm will still find you…”


Sadly, this is the internet, where you can’t hear the tone of other people’s typing.

I was about to welcome you to the forums and congrats you for the first post.
After reading your first post…
Dont come back please!

add double headed dragon to the game and watch chaos ensue please blizz