New idea's for hearthstone

So in this video he says that we should let him know if there is a format or gameplay that interests us…
I was wondering if we could make a list of things in this thread that we would like to see in hearthstone…

I will start off with my wishlist:

  • A new ranked ladder, similar to the setsrotation in arena… every 2 months the same sets that are in arena become viable in this new gamemode that could be called seasonal… you create a deck with those sets and start grinding the ladder.
  • Casual mode with different lobbies… returning create your own deck taverbrawls like… gamemodes could be for all formats (Standard, seasonal and wild) and could be categoried in normal (like ranked), dual class mode (same as halloween arena but constructed), singleton (only highlanderdecks allowed), big deck singleton (same as singleton but with 100 cards instead of the usual 30) etc…
  • More ways to show off to your opponents, unlockable emotes for characters, alternate art cards, alternate art heropowers…
  • change the classic set as an ever growing set… every time sets go to wild, take some charasteristic cards from those sets and add them to classic… doesnt need to be super good cards, but cards like Toki time tinkerer for the lolz, undercity huckster to show the class identity of rogue etc…

What are you guys thinking?

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Here are two ways how it could be done:

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