New Expansion: Madness at The Darkmoon Faire

the note states “The Reward Track is a map of rewards that can be earned during an expansion by gaining experience (XP) from completing Quests, completing select achievements, and playing the game in any mode.”

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I can not wait for this expansion to drop. :grinning:


Can someone explain what the keyword Corrupt means? I missed the explanation in the reveal.

Oh, and PS:

Shaman OTK with Y’Shaarj incoming, calling it now

" Madness at the Darkmoon Faire introduces a new Keyword: Corrupt ! Corrupt cards upgrade in your hand after you play a higher cost card. Plan ahead and upgrade your Corrupt cards before playing them for a major payoff!"

i suggest you check the community forum, there are links that answer most of your questions there


3 rd expansion release date is in november ??? i thought it was december!

its a mini expansion with 35 cards only in december

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BLIZZARD: The new set is ALL RNG!


I see the wheels spinning in your head. Yogg-Saron Libram Paladin.

Looks like the Clown Fiesta is cranking up to 12 now.


November 17th?
That is like 2 weeks ahead of regular schedule isn’t it?

Anyone else not really blown away? I mean, yeah, there are some powerful cards and I’ll be buying the two intro bundles (like always), but I still haven’t seen anything that I must have. Thoughts?

the old gods are really powerful (just as the old old gods). there will ofc be reveals as previous expansions leading up to the release.

It was an easy called, but I still called the clown fiesta.

Now we just need some new (paladin) murloc cards in the coming reveals, and I’ll be 2 for 2.


im only missing the priest hate from my prediction and that will likely be fulfilled once they start revealing cards


Mini set between each expansion?? Good bye fTp…that is way to much to keep up with

miniset thats 35 cards only

Right, 35 more cards to keep up with. Which as ftp means gold used, which means less for next full expansion etc.

I mean, cool, more cards, but I’ll need to see what the actual progress cost will be to get excited about this.

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It will certainly get easier.

I hope so!
20 characters

Although it would suck for the N’Zoth user, I want to see the possibility of it resurrecting an amalgam and nothing else since it covers all types.