New Druid Cards (Warriors in shambles)

Druids are possibly the class with the least amount of control and removal cards in the game right now, along with rogue and hunter. Especially post-rotation, when they will lose scale of onyxia. They are excellent at survival, but can pretty much only deal with boards by trading with a board of their own or with direct hero attack. Let’s not get carried away :melting_face:

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There are some common things . You stack armor and use rush minions to generate more armor and destroy threat, just like CW . You can use devourer. The main difference being that what you compensate the lack of removal with board presence and mana cheat.

@Sigytr : perhaps yeah. Paladin and DK are strong for the first six turn. Though with the addition of tour guide, druid can clear early minion for 1 mana.

Paladin will certainly be though to deal with for druid, unless they tech silence.

I think druid can still take out Marrowgar with silence , tank one round of attack for 15 life, then drop devourer to take out the marrowgar. or something along those line (underking etc)

I think big hunter will fall to druid, bear are going out of standard, and this druid look like it can take out any threat with HP without losing hp. But lothremmar can change the deal. Though druid can still run devourer or silence.


That’s right, but with the addition of devourer, deathrattle minions, Sylvanas, they have a way to deal with minions that are too big. a HP will take care of any minion. those you can’t take care of like that, you just silence them.

Maybe I’m getting carried away. Let me say this though . f I presented you a CW with an alternate HP like this druid, some armor stacking stuff, and rush minions , but I removed brawl, execute and most of the ‘‘instant kill’’ spell from the pool, wouldn’t it look pretty damn control and good?

This is really getting to me. We need interaction. Tech is a very good place to start in this regard. If we’re meant to deal with, for instance, heroes with divine shield, and minions that are powerful, also with divine shield, we need tech beyond a damn Starfish or something. This entire expansion is about power creep, and it’s sickening.

We need actual design wherein power levels are not arbitrarily increased to incentivize card pack purchases. We need horizontal design that doesn’t create overpowered decks that will inevitably become overpowered.


Where’s Blood Knight when you need him?

Hey, at least Dirty Rat is coming back. I guess we’ll find out if we were right to trust in his power of disruption, or we’ll see he’s actually not as good as we thought. If a 2-mana Mutanus doesn’t solve problems, IDK what could.

One disruption card will not save this game, my friend.

they do become cards without text

but the rule on this game is whenever a minion is removed from the board buffs and debuffs are removed

No, he’s 100% solid. He’s used in wild all the time.

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Guess we’re not getting a break from druid being one of the most played classes in Hearthstone. The more I look at the cards coming out the less I actually feel like playing this game any more. As it is, I only play enough these days to do my quests.

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its not as good as mutanus. On the druid card, the deathrattle will still proc, and they can still resurrect it later. So it only lose the battlecry.

Casual observation: Northshire Farmer is NOT rotating out of Core.


Who authorized these cards???

Wild looks fun to me

I just want to say I’m STILL in shock they printed these 2 cards. This is the biggest FU to any class I’ve ever seen before.

The remaining 6 Warrior cards better be AMAZING or else this is just the biggest insult we’ve ever seen.

Who wants to bet the remaining Warrior cards will suck? lol

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I’m betting that anything other than Rogue and Druid will be practically unplayable.
Rogue will play mage better than mage.
I wish that were an exaggeration, but I think it’s spot on.

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Mech Mage has a good chance of becoming super strong though as well. It’s likely going to be strong aggro.

One thing is for sure as of right now this game is about to be faster.

Yeah, that was just what this game needed…
I sometimes think gibbons could do a better job.

That might make Hero Power Druid a dud. In all honesty it probably needs some kind of board clear — like an AoE Rake or something — or I don’t see it working.

The problem is that if it does work, it’s going to be toxic. It’s one of those stupid Abyssal Curse style designs.

It will be more like an aggro deck, it won’t need board clear. It just needs to avoid Mid Range fatties.

Well that’s not the purest Swarm version. Avoiding minions that cost less than 3 (including tokens) is quite the deckbuilding restriction.

I tend to think too combo-y though.

I don’t think you’ll need a “pure” swarm build. You use these + hero power to control board and then just smash face. Swarm power spikes you. I think you can run ~8 1and2 mana minions and the rest just stuff that pushes power at 3+ mana.

it probably is like when you predicted big spell mage would be nerfed