HAHAHAHA. Hero Power for 5 Armor and 5 Attack. Where are your aggro gods now? Abandon dreams of Control Warrior, Druid is here to live that glory.
Peaceful Piper can discover either of these. Unending Swarm summons both of these back for Deathrattle repeats. Hedge Maze can activate these Deathrattles. Death Blossom Whomper can get their Deathrattles (but that seems slow, and you will also have Underking).
Shield Block? Why pay 3 mana to draw 1 card and gain 5 armor when you could pay 2 mana to gain 5 armor and draw 2? (I know it requires Druid minions, but still). Sweet card though.
Just a tempo legendary. Not going to win games with this but you can combo it with Tour Guide and Rake to get some nasty board presence in the late game. Still, pretty tame.
Seems like Wildfire mage but more defensive. You’ll still need a way to finish games without Brann. Maybe attrition through hero power and MotlK armor gain will be enough?
Imma delete my thread since yours has a better OP post lol.
These are amazing warrior cards. I do love them tho. I think it’s a fun archetype and is far less obnoxious than ramp druid.
Insanely strong tho. Kinda scary.
Whaaaaaaaaaat!? The 1 mana and 2 mana minions ARE CRAZY.
Thank goodness Quest Druid is rotating…but OH MY GOODNESS…
the 1 mana is so powercrept…compare it to wildfire for just a second…lol
Yeah, this might be the best evidence so far that suggests that Control Warrior is dead. “Hero Power” druid can get a +5 attack AND +FIVE ARMOR hero power with just the default copies you put into your deck. Not counting what you can resurrect or activate with Hedge Maze or discover. If you tried you could probably get +9/+9 fairly easily, and this is combined with the same class also having survival tools like Rake, Chitinous Plating, and Underking.
Wildfire mage was doing a Pyroblast to you every turn. HP Druid (Groovy Druid? Free Spirit Druid?) will do a Pyroblast and gain that much armor.
Meta defining. Who needs Guff and Earthen Scales? You can hit me for 10 damage every turn and my health won’t budge…
with these tools, a buffed up hero power and a bunch of cheap beasts and neutrals you can just go for a tempo king deck and win from board. That’s where I see this going and those decks have traditionally been really dominating lately.
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It is wildfire on a minion with a deathrattle that tiggers another wildfire this card is 5 stars.
Druid to be meta this expansion
Tbh as somone who plays paladin also we wil be strong i think paladin wil be able to do alot of damage to druid with the new 2 mana spell.
Not to mention Druid has multiple ways to trigger the deathrattle and resurrect it later.
Also, reborn.
And also
This is sick.
Druid can easily build up their HP to where they just gain 10+armor10+attack with their hero power.
Like…this is so good I might just play Druid lol
I doubt this would see play but you can combo those first two with Photographer Fizzle, Cover Artist, Creepy Painting, Drakkari Embalmer (Free Spirit), and even Flesh Behemoth for more copies.
No need for all that, just 1 photographer is all. Unending Swarm is all you need.
Druid not has board clears.
It Will be fine and will kill the same control decks it already does.
The cards are overpowered but can’t carry alone.
Kicking Warrior players when they are down thanks designers.
I cant wait to watch marks video where he figures out how to do 100/100 with the undataker
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Yeah I had that in the OP, was just pondering since this kind of armor gain means Druid can potentially just survive and put maximum greed into their deck for literally just those two minions.
What is your opponent gonna do while you play Creepy Painting of all things, go face when you’re gaining 10 armor every turn from just your hero power?
Where is mal when i need him. They stealing something from mage again and giving it to another class but better
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It absolutely sucks that the Druid lead designer isn’t in charge of Warrior, and if they are they absolutely suck.
These are the kinds of cards Warrior needs desperately, not Druid of all things.
Warrior just pales in comparison to Druid. Druid is one of, if not THE most greediest classes in the game and gets massive support on the greed and on the power level and defensive level. It’s an absolute joke and slap in the face to Warrior players imo.
Mall is gonna be FURIOUS when they read these cards lol
Amazing topic
rip warrior
A thought:
So many believed that Tony Warrior was the villain. No.
Tony Warrior is Batman here to save you from Joker Druid.
Realistically, how do you kill a Druid that hits you for 10 (and gains 10) every turn for 2 mana on top of everything else they’re doing with the other 8-9 mana? Even aggro might not be enough.
Cheesy Rivendare shenanigans? Even Blood DK can’t deal with this, Svalna Priest can’t either.
Perhaps BRnR Warrior? Even this Druid could have trouble with a 30 attack Trenchstalker. No Scales means that Insatiable Devourers and Sylvanas are harder to get online. MUCH harder. They still have Topior, though.
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Well, like someone said on Reddit (lol)
I guess I’m going to be picking up Warrior as my new main, playing as my favorite Warrior Hero Malfurion.