New Druid Cards (Warriors in shambles)

Something more like this:


Just like an aggro deck, but using your hero power early to control the board.

We’ll have to figure out how the rest of the deck is built before this becomes a huge concern. A beefy hero power is great but it won’t win the game by itself. It requires relatively weak 1 and 2 drops to set up and makes you really think about mana costs when deck building. I’m not saying 2 mana for ~3 attack and armour isn’t worth it, but if we’re hero powering a lot, we’re playing with 2 less mana.

There’s a lot of talk about the best case scenario in this thread but the deck will not be frequently building a 5/5 hero power within the first few turns. All decks have their nutty draws and this will definitely happen on occasion, but I think this idea is being over hyped a little. If we are dedicating tons of deck slots to tutoring these minions and making it consistent, we are suddenly very light on anything threatening other than casting hero power, and probably get run over by anything proactive.


Imma be a lil’ contrarian here; but in all fairness, druid’s identity in wow has always been being able to imitate other classes’ main identity. Druids can tank damage in bear form, deal physical damage with cat form or be a spell caster in balance form. It shouldn’t be better than all the others at doing any of these things, but it’s still kinda druid-ey to do so. The biggest issue here is how much warrior sucks in comparison.

I bet they announce something tame and conditional for warrior next.

and still where is legendary spell from druid :frowning:

I really do feel bad for people who love playing Warrior after comparing druid’s cards to warrior’s cards. Blizzard makes it clear that they want druid to be a better warrior in every way. What’s warrior supposed to play in standard to be competitive? While they have some cards that seem powerful individually, the synergy is lacking, and all they end up with is a lot of half-baked stuff and not enough survivability to make the slow play style that Blizzard seems to be pushing them towards actually WORK. I still think Blizzard f’d up by giving druid so many armor-generating cards that would’ve actually helped warrior compete. Druid didn’t need help surviving, warrior did. Even warrior’s more aggressive cards are lackluster compared to what other classes can do (and they lack the ability to reload the board as easily as other classes can) and a couple of board clears essentially makes them quit on the spot.

lets not see this 1 and 2mana new card druid can escape from aggro ? is have many many board clear? is can remove big minion whit low coast spell? when brann rotate druid has any finisher? i feel sry to warrior but this earlier 1-2mana crazy minion druid missed from start if you ask me…and power up hero power nice but you need spend 2 extra mana every turn what can be tempo lost

Not having Guff or Spammy Arcanist changes Druid completely.

I think the Legendary spell will be something like Rez a Minion of Each Type or some type of get copies of minions that died.

So we can play Armor Stacking Tony Druid without it losing to Renathal/DirtyRat.

Ping Druid is a lot worse than Ping Mage in theory (can’t attack past taunt mainly). You have to actually attack things, it uses up your attack (if you try to combine it with other effects).

But the fact that these give 2 boosts each is pretty gross. And you can resummon them pretty easily. This is an insane amount of easy lethality. And when you consider what a good card Rake is. This is… concerning.

I’m not sold this is the most broken thing ever, I don’t think this is even as good as some of the degenerate stuff from last year, but it’s very very scary.


Even if druid doesn’t become the best class in the meta, this small kit of these two minions + rake + the new 1-drop that draws or discovers a beast can fit almost any archetype and will likely have a very high drawn WR. It will probably be even better than Wildfire + Reckless, even without a strong payoff card like Mordresh or Varden.
It’s Galakrond Warrior invoke + Tank Up on turn 3 for goddam’s sake, and you barely give up tempo unlike current Ramp Druid (which already is one of my most hated decks of all time).

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I like the undead package more with these new cards but you really get about the same effect. Not playing planted Evidence seems foolish right at rotation. Access to the smallest spell pool at a discounted price is really good.

I just threw that together. I also realized that I didn’t include a certain card that I think lots of decks should run that causes tempo loss for your opponent and is a great aggro card to play and no one is really talking about it:

This card right here. People are going to see this card a lot. I don’t think people are quite understanding why the card is good. 4 mana 5/4. If you kill it, they get (2) 3/3 minions for free. If they don’t kill it, it’s a 5/4 and they are needing to play the 3/3 minions for 3 themselves - tempo loss.

The card is so good. I can’t wait to play it.


I just love Reddit completely trashing the game about Warrior


and posible burn 1-2 card from opponent next turn always worth a card till many same type hand burn stuff apper to some class already “control killer meta”

Free spirit is nutz def gonna be playing druid this expansion.

100% anti aggro tools for druid. Man i can think of some crazy wild decks.

Jesus only 4 mana… that cards a auto incude in a lot of decks.

Looks like druid priest and dk main classes ill be playing in standard.

I also though of some insainly op druid decks in wild all because of this new one cost card.

This card is why they removed brann. well part of it. Could you imagine if the didnt rotate brann and this card was in standard lmao?

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