New Druid Cards (Warriors in shambles)

If you’re playing Hex/Silence minion (3+ mana) to silence a 1 or 2 mana minion, the Druid beat you in mana already. And I wouldn’t waste a Shard play as a Priest on these 2. You’re likely going to need it for the resummon board.

People are WAAAAAAAY over estimating silence being a thing in this meta.

I disagree to an extent, Silence/Transform won’t be great against this druid (though it may cripple Unending Swarm) but it’ll probably still be relevant for new Unholy deathrattles and Divine Shield paladin stuff.

But that may be overestimating it, as you say. Rogue, Tony Warrior, Big Hunter, Rush/Relic DH, and this druid probably won’t care.

when you silence minion where druid build whole deck and you can aoe it whit cheap spell what druid can do mid game ? undead now many mech then druid got beast based deck “lucky 1mana is undead/beast” not you think something wrong by less option about minion arsenal whats avilable?

and yes finaly druid got something good turn 1-2 minion what before like never have

3 attack + 3 armor for a hero power on turn 3 can handle a lot of decks by itself, plus they come with small bodies. And these are cards that will remain in standard for two years!
I’m was eager to see Wildfire rotate, now I’ll have to deal with Wildfire 2.0 + Tank Up for 2 more years.

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The problem is the silence that is available. Silence tech generally is only ran via 1 card and often times the 1 card tech hurts the deck.

People aren’t going to be running 2 4-mana starfishes…they just aren’t.

These low cost Druid minions aren’t going to care about any of that.

That’s what people are over estimating. They act like every card is going to be silenced.

If you play these 2 minions on 1 and 2…the opponent isn’t trying to play Starfish against both, and if they are they’re doing a really bad play. They are saving their 1 starfish silence to hit the resummon. They aren’t going to be running 2.

And the people who are teching in their 1 silence, usually the tradeable one, are just doing it to hit Rivendare.

Look at the meta right now, chalk full of aggro. No one is running silence now.


These cards are very good for undead aggro druid. You don’t really need removal when your game plan is just to go face. The one being undead is like a bonus for the deck. I am honestly surprised the cat wasn’t undead just to really jam home the fact.

I’m okay with this though as it helps them transition away from that horrible Guff grinder deck they have been saddled with for a year+ now.

You can also tutor out either beast with the new 1 drop.

And, if you draw this later, you can possibly discover a new copy of either of these.


I really hope the devs have enough sense to ban those first two cards in duels. Because this sounds insane enough in standard, never mind all the extra BS you can do with treasures and buckets.

This is the nonsense I keep talking about. The cards themselves are fine. But the devs need to stop printing cards that allow for spamming of the same cards over and over again. A druid with +3/+3 is cool. Maybe +4 or +5 if they get REALLY lucky with discovers and such. But this looks more like you’ll be able to reliably get to +5 and if you’re lucky, +10.

We need a “destroy deathrattles” minion. Not block deathrattles, not silence(where the deathrattles just get triggered again by a stupid “trigger all deathrattles” card or hero), but a minion that actually just nukes these things.

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They do make these. The problem is, they make them so incredibly weak they never see play.

Never saw play a single time. Entirely too weak.

They suck at making tech.

I’d maybe giving silence a rework to allow it to remove the text from a card entirely so that cards that that get silenced would effectively become textless cards that wouldn’t be a target for cards that replay or resummon deathrattle cards

Imagine if the old card “recombobulator” was able to target enemy minions and be part of core. Would work wonders

This game is done imo.
I will wait to see what they do with wild, but I’m pretty sure it’s over for me.
I despise Team 5.

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Just play Druid now, the new Warrior and Ping Mage!

It’s the swiss army class for sure.
What a bunch of biased jerks.

If you like control warrior playstyle, just play druid. It will be the same, just the name change.

That said, those two minions and tony are imo the best card of the expansion. early meta is going to be full of druid and tony warrior, druid beating everything and tony warrior beating druid.

Druid can tech the symmetric card that make you draw, so that its get it wincondition very fast and make warrior empty his deck regardless .

I don’t see how other class are going to beat this.

No, just no. It won’t come close to CW at all, because CW is an reactive control deck, but this one will be a proactive minion based deck with heropower support more comparable to ping mage.


I’m thinking that some sort of midrange/swarm deck will be able to take it out. Something like Divine Shield Pure Paladin or Deathrattle Unholy DK (triple UH runes). The Druid hero power will be strong, but it’ll take several turns to get up to 10/10 levels and even then they could only remove one threat at a time (outside of Rake).

Paladin can just keep pressuring with buffed Divine Shield minions (see current aggro pure, pretty much) and seal the deal around turn 7/8 with Countess. Deathrattle Unholy DK could permanently field a board and either finish with Grave Strength or put up a Marrowgar that Druid simply lacks the tools to handle.

Big Hunter may also be feasible since Stranglethorn Heart generates lots of big bodies simultaneously.

EDIT: BRnR Warrior could also spell trouble since even a 10/10 hero power wouldn’t want to run straight into something like a 40/56 Sunfury Stalwart. But we’ll really need to see if that sort of Warrior can even survive its tempo-less BRnR turn.

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Yes I think similar about this druid deck and we have tons of swarm decks in the meta right now that’s why I think this is cards are just overhyped.

TBH I think most of the hype is the frantic energy of watching Druid take over Warrior’s identity and then power creep it, in real time. These new minions will allow Druid to gain more armor and deal more “weapon” damage than any Warrior could.

Well weapons were not only warriors identity, but also rogue. Only armor is an identity from warrior and druid. Druid is a hybrid class when we look at wow, so it’s kinda obvious that he is good at things what rogue and warrior can do. It was the same since KotF when Malfurion got his hero card. Rogue instead got many ways to be a weapon master (Kingsbane, Draka) and be better than druid, but the devs slept on warrior to make him a good armor class, but it’s not druids fault for me.