New DK "I WIN" card just dropped

Playing deft nite. Was winning.
Deft nite plays an “I WIN” card called “Lord Marrowgar.”
Covers the entire board with cards that have 30 damage and 30 health.
There is no game play involved. That is why it is called an “I WIN” card like the horsey palidin that can defeat you in one turn of the hero power.

Board instantly covered with 7 cards 30 health 30 damage.
Gee, I guess you just won.
Literally no game mechanics. Play one card, instant win.



I applaud any wild DK that actually plays Triple Unholy and gets to play Marrowgar lmao, like yea gettem man

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That was one deft knight

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why aren’t the quotes around “new” ?? this card has existed since dk happened … for that matter how is this a post now?? also, climactic necrotic explosion also does this and deals damage the turn it is played … but with all the other play one card and get a full board cards that exist right now, why is this one in particular getting attention??

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I have played since the game came out and I have been a vocal opponent against “I WIN,” cards.
I quit spending money on the game when the Shamon Jabberwocky I win card came out and the mooneater palidein.
Would you agree that cards that have no game play but are simply “I WIN” cards should be removed from the game?


i’m not going to say it isn’t a strong card, and i’m not going to say it doesn’t have a chance to win the game on the spot, however, there is counterplay for anything that gives you a turn before it potentially kills you … it’s not exactly a 30/30 boar from hand, and it was played for several months by all of the triple green bots on ladder … my question remains, why complain about this now?

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What would my counter play be against 7 cards with 30 health and 30 damage?

If you can’t think of any then, yes it is an I WIN card.


The only counter play I can think of is either you can somehow combo damage their face lethal, or if you are a Arlock Twisting Neither or Sargento, maybe as Laladon Equal Rights and Consecutivation, things like that might work but I think you are right those aren’t answers to be expected for such a point in the game and not always be available lots of people don’t even use those cards anymore anyway since they are too weak these days

i got legend during that meta … there is counterplay (especially in wild where you will find lord marrowgar these days) … more now than before … the reno hero card also exists for all classes at the very least … but there are tons of ways to deal with it, and if you are seeing a triple green deck you can almost expect it and hold back your ways to deal with it most of the time … if marrowgar is creating 30/30 in stats, that means you are seeing 6x 5/5’s … a simple flamestrike kills that for mage (or if you prefer to stall there are all the freeze options that lock out a full board), lightbomb for priest, vanish for rogue, hunter has poisonous spells, paladin still has equality/consecration, warrior can armor up and sanitize … etc. tell me what class you’re playing and i’ll give you a board clear/control option in 1 or 2 cards that negates marrowgar or other similar board filling plays

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I would expect that by 9 mana(marrowgar’s cost) you should be ready to kill/deal with that size of a board
Also paladin has shrink ray

Looking class by class, every class can deal with the board if they expect the game to go to turn 9. If they don’t expect the game to go to 9 they should kill their opponent before they do it elsewise their deck fail or the opponents deck succeeded and they should win.

While looking up this I found that priest has the most: 8 ways to remove them all from board(possibly 10, 1 if you mass hysteria lines up and another if they are all actually big and ruin kills them all) and silence sets these minions(except marrogawr himself) to 1/1 so shard and mass silence kinda deal with it giving them up “12” answers

oh yeah mass silence, starfish sets all the marrogawr tokens to 1/1 as well

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I am playing a mage.
I dont use frost spells.

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By turn 9, Priest can play many total board clear cards. Of course you need to draw them but such is luck.

Marrowgar is a strong late card but some classes definitely can counter it by clearing the board. Heck, even a Rogue can ‘vanish’ them. A warrior can ‘brawl’ them. Mage can ‘Mass Sheep’ them… Etc…

non-frost mage:

  1. mass polymorph + arcane explosion = 9mana full enemy board clear + sheep on your side
  2. the amazing reno = 10mana full board clear
  3. celestial emissary / prestor’s pyromancer / talented arcanist + flamestrike = 9mana 7damage to all enemy minions
  4. dragon’s fury + high mana spells = 5 mana 5~10damage to all enemies
  5. original brann (loe) + inquisitive creation (+ prior spell schools casted) = 8 mana 2~14 damage to all enemy minions

and that’s not to mention some plain neutral options like mo’arg artificer/enchanter + aoe spells/minions, a poisonous microbot + missile launcher, silas darkmoon + doomsayer, deathwing, other deathwing, etc. i’m sure you can find other board clear options out there if you look hard enough that will fit with the cards in your collection … and there’s always frost spells too if they aren’t somehow unethical for you

I had Reno and mass polymorph but the algo didn’t give them to me so it forced the loss.

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Exactly…this is the thing most people don’t understand. Every answer is perfect! Until you actually need them, and they’re nowhere to be found. In which case, there was no answer. It was a lie. And there was indeed nothing that could be done.

same could be said for marrowgar, you play it on a turn where there’s an answer and it doesn’t win you the game, you play it on a turn where they don’t (and they have no on-board counterplay in addition) and it wins you the game … there’s still a part of the game that’s just rng … your task is to build a deck that serves to minimize the effect of rng against you … elemental mage can beat you like turn 5 right now with the right luck … again why are we stuck on a card like marrowgar that is a) old and b) comes down like turn 8 with the coin … what’s the max power you can get a marrowgar at that point? if it’s truly up around 30, you probably up against tokens from turn 1, maybe your deck is just bad vs that style deck … either chalk up the loss to something your deck plan cannot map to, or adjust for the next time … again of all the things to complain about right now, i’m not seeing marrowgar as a primary antagonist … it’s like one of 2 win conditions the uuu dk has, and it’s all just board control/tempo, which is kind of the primary method of playing the game … if your deck isn’t built to handle that idk what to tell you, and if it is and you happened to get unlucky, then you just got unlucky … either way doesn’t point to a problem with marrowgar per se … if it were like a 1 mana card that had no setup or indication through deck building that the card may be coming, then yes i would absolutely call it a problem, but the kind of deck that could support a marrowgar inclusion basically tells you that you are very likely to see it come down as early as turn 9, and if it can be telegraphed that hard, then you just need to be prepared for it both in-game and in your deck building … if you fail to take the card into account, then you are probably doing some kind of combo shenanigans that you should know is a buyer beware type thing in the first place … you can complain about the design sure, but in practice, i still don’t see how it’s that bad

The thing is action is almost always better than reaction in this game, the questions are almost always better than the answers. The DK would probably win even without Marrowgar, because it’s a question (and a big one at that), whereas someone trying to answer Marrowgar likely won’t have it (due to the logic/balance of action/reaction), and that matters a lot (like win/lose the game, a lot).

Does this mean since you though of a counter play to the card it isn’t an “I wIn CaRd”

Nope, what it means is you don’t understand how Hearthstone works

yes, but the card only stands if you have a bunch of corpses saved up, otherwise it’s a 9/7 that does nothing the turn it is played … look there are times where that works, but you need to be set up with plenty of corpses in reserve to make it work … it is like shoving all in, but you need to put in the work to get to the place where it works, it’s certainly not free