New DK "I WIN" card just dropped

He played cards that gave him a massive number of corpses at the start of the game.
They are probably new cards that were added, and he figured this out.

People have to realize new cards that are added to the game can have synergy with old cards, making the old cards “I WIN” cards.
I have a genius level IQ, so this kind of thought would not even be thought of by most people.

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so your genius level play was to write up a clickbait headline and get to the point of your complaint 20 posts in? i still don’t think you have a strong argument even with the idea that new cards are enabling older cards (like that hasn’t happened before already in much more game breaking ways), but you are certainly welcome to have that opinion

I explained later because I was not familiar with the mechanics.
When a person said it takes a while to get that many corpses, I thought I would explain the DK got all the corpses at the start of the game.

I think you agree that it was important that I clarify this.

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Twisting Nether, Reno, lightbomb, mass hysteria, whirlpool, mass dispel, plague of death, poison seeds, Zephrys, or good old fashioned killing your opponent before they ever get to play their finisher.

So it’s up to the algo to curate me the reno card to defeat it?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
this never gets old
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

BTW, there are some words from wise man just for you:

“People Who boast about their IQ are losers” (

The person who was listed in Epstein’s list.
Nice idols you’ve got.

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Quick google search gave me this:

One of the famous individuals falsely accused is the late theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking.

An alleged screenshot published on X, former Twitter, claims to show court documents mentioning Hawking’s sexual ‘proclivities’.

Turns out the viral image is fabricated because this exchange does not appear anywhere in the Epstein documents recently released.

But nice try, I guess you also belong to that genius level IQ camp :+1:

Stop making a fool of yourself.

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Hawking was at Epstein island. Every big shot knew what Epstein and Maxwell did.

From Snopes.
This is a real photograph of Hawking that shows him either on one of Epstein’s private islands or on nearby St. Thomas Island, at an Epstein-sponsored conference. It was taken in March 2006, a few months before Epstein was charged with multiple counts of unlawful sex with a minor.

I think you owe us an apology.

Apparently Hawkings was not a wise man.

As Elon Musk always says: Maxwell goes to prison for trafficking in minors to whom?? To no one. Like there must have been clients, right? Apparently, the justice system has no interest in whom the clients were that were paying for the children.

:rofl: :rofl: Dudes you are so funny. Keep up good work of entertaining me :+1:

Are you trying to say Stephan hawking was a wise man? A wise man would not have been going to the island. The island that everyone knew what it was.

Will you have integrity and retract your statement about hawking being wise?

From the New York Times in 2016.

It was a five-day gathering in the Caribbean of some of the world’s top scientists, including Dr. Hawking, to share ideas about gravity and cosmology, with scuba and catamaran excursions on the side. One evening, the participants had dinner on the beach at Mr. Epstein’s private island.

Some of the scientists noticed that Mr. Epstein “was always followed by a group of something like three or four young women,” as Alan Guth, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, put it in an email to The Times, but they did not probe further.

Bingo, genius, that is exactly I am trying to say :+1:. I am sure that guy is indefinitely wiser than you two :clown_face: :clown_face: together :rofl:

You agree he was a regular at Epstein island, correct?
You call that wise?

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It has been made evident that, yes, they do believe that to be wise; they are just playing dumb and not directly saying it.
Of course, there is also the issue of pride, his or her pride can’t handle being wrong, so they are actually willing to side with the pdfile to avoid admitting fault.

They are a slave to their own mind.

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What happened was Coffee got sucked in by a “well poisoning,” fake document.
Well poisoning is done to trick the low IQ.
How it works.

Make a claim there is a ring of nefarious activity involving Aquarium stores run by well-connected people.
The well-connected people then release photos and information that make the fish stores look 100% guilty.

The stuff they release goes viral and floods the internet. But it is very easy to prove it is fake.
Then every fact check site calls the allegations against the fish stores false based on the fake stuff they released.
Those fake documents and photos will always be the first things to pop up in a goog search.
The well has been poisoned.

Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well ) is a type of informal fallacy where adverse information about a target is preemptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing something that the target person is about to say. Poisoning the well can be a special case of *argumentum ad hominem , and the term was first used with this sense by John Henry Newman in his work *Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1864)

OK, let´s have look what we have here…

From that he somehow becomes regular at Epstein island

and from that he becomes pdfile

You two are true :clown_face: :clown_face:, but your performance is starting to bore me. Also I admit my low IQ is nowhere near your genius levels :+1:

At least you are self-aware.