New deathrattle DH

7.3 Veng

Class: Demon Hunter

Format: Standard

Year of the Raptor

2x (1) Red Card

2x (1) Tuskpiercer

2x (2) Grim Harvest

2x (2) Immolation Aura

2x (3) Return Policy

2x (3) Warp Drive

2x (3) Wyvern’s Slumber

2x (4) Arkonite Defense Crystal

1x (4) Nightmare Lord Xavius

2x (4) Umpire’s Grasp

2x (5) Ancient of Yore

2x (5) Carnivorous Cubicle

2x (5) Ravenous Felhunter

2x (7) Ferocious Felbat

1x (7) The Exodar

1x (8) Magtheridon, Unreleased

1x (100) The Ceaseless Expanse


Completely nonsense and unfair, 100% wr so far


Yep, that was my experience aswell. Only way this deck is taking the L is if the arkonites are in the bottom 5 cards. 2 loses on over 30 games so far.

I already opened a thread about this in the correct subforum:


Undocumented quick change here, this just happened on my last 5 games

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The hearthstone gods have judged you and decided.


Some guy went from 9k to 6k in 1 day and it had to be brought down again

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Nerf Arkonite Defense Crystal to (5) mana and this deck goes back to normal. I almost beat it I thought. Just played against it for the first time. Crazy build but 100% WR is just not sustainable.

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Yes pls. And Back to 6 Armor.

DH is Killing Standard for me atm…

Yes, it’s not unbeatable, but extremly annoying to play against.

the 1/30 elusive taunt minion can shut this down if it drops early, can’t hit it with spells, and throwing your minions at it only makes it stronger and leaves you open

Yeah it didn’t take long for the community figure out how to stop this thing. Polymorph FTW

It’s only dangerous if it doesn’t draw bad, none of the cheap cards are minions, and with how popular aggro is, those dormant and aoe damage spells won’t help much if you don’t draw Arkonite crystal within the first couple turns

And the award of the most ropes per game goes to…

The problem isn’t the deck, the problem is that there isn’t a counter play option to it. The two cards I could see a nerf for are the demons. Make it where they give you a copy (1) into your hand verse summoning the 4 and 5 cost. Makes it where you can clear the board.

Well I play a imbue shaman that runs two hexes, the transform a minion and summon a copy and the transform all minions to an old legendary. It synergies with the deck and a direct counter to that deck.


I tried out a crew dh with tourist , its does ok as a tempo deck. We lost a few tools like metamorphisis but if you know the old deck there are a few tricks to bursting besides that, I threw in the spell that alternates between a silence/debuff and immune/buff to help . The deck works not sure how well but Im taking advantage of the suprise factor for now

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I guarantee this gets nerfed. I had, in STANDARD, a DH hit almost 200 armor. Are you kidding me? Blizzard, wtf are you doing?

EDIT: correction. They had 205 armor and 29 health. I have a screenshot of this stupid garbage.

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I just spent ten minutes making a braindead tourist build of armor dh with only the knowledge it plays arkonite and can gain hundreds of armor.

Stupid easy to build and plays itself.

Gonna try a wild version with the draw quest so my demons from KJ’s portal are perma discounted

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