New daily quests

Come on Blizzard. now you only need to play 2 or 3 games to compete your daily quests. Before I had to win 2 or 3 games to complete them. you are taking some of the fun out as I enjoy a little competition. not everyone what’s to play ranked play for that. you are killing the game. between the technical glitches every time you change the software and now this. I’m not sure I will buy in next time. I’m already committed to the next set but we’ll see if I stay in after that. only your technical team will determine that for me.

I haven’t spent money on this game since 2017 and I still feel chained to the game (I spent a LOT back in the day!!)

If you’re already bought in on the next set but are considering quitting you must not have spent very much.


I like the new quests.


This is just like the participation trophies. you don’t have to win just participate. it was bad for our country and it’s bad for this game.

The new quests promotes you to play the game how you want to play it. And you get less try hards


With how so much of the “community” ropeburns, perhaps the games played quest rewards are actually earned.


I much prefer the play - something ones (mechs, murlocs, 1 cost, 2 or less cost etc.) ones, but these ones are OK I guess. It’s a pain you have to win, lose, or get to 10 mana to complete though.

Said this in another thread - it isn’t ‘fun’ to try to win x games with x class when you are facing cut and paste golden avatar, golden deck, golden legendary fill your deck with golden legendaries and fill your hand/board with golden legendaries. Each turn.

I never did them I just swapped them until they were ones without winning involved.

If you want to win while playing the quests - go ahead, why do you need set parameters to play that?

Just as I don’t need set parameters to win to play the quests.

I even bothered to do the play 2 10 mana cards to lose just to clear it.


so now to earn your gold on play X games with X class quests. people will just concede X games on turn 1 and poof they earn their gold. not very challenging is it?
change it back, this isn’t challenging enough.

Does not work, but if you don’t inform yourself…


unless they changed something, I have quit on turn one and was given credit for playing the game

I love new quests. I can launch a game a go AFK watching twitch or youtube and get gold.

These new quests are better all around. If your complaint is that its not challenging? Like it was challenging to win 3 games. It only took time. Quests have never been a challenge. It has been a time consumer. Sometimes an irritating one. Now with the new quests, they complete themselves, by playing the game how ever the f people want and with what deck people want.

There is plenty of competition in Arena, Battlegrounds, Ranked and tavern brawl. Dont need quests to be a pain in the a*s to everyone, including casuals and new players.


yep the same thing they said about participation trophies.

What did they say about participation trophies thats even remotelly the same i just mentioned?

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you don’t have to win to complete your quest, that is the same as participation trophies. you just have to participate to get rewarded. it doesn’t teach losing gracefully, it teaches give me something for free, a poor life lesson

I like the new quests! Makes happy playing as I don’t have to stress at trying to win. Just try to have fun.


this is killing our country. you don’t have to win to be successful. That is not a good life lesson. teaching people to lose and win humbly, that is a good lesson not this participation trophy lesson that teaches you don’t have to win to get ahead. This creates weak people who what everything for free. sorry life doesn’t work that way.

If anything is “killing our country” it’s probably the fact that we’re relying on a videogame for life lessons.


I LOVE the new quests. It’s a quality of life improvement in my eyes.